Saulty Saul has hosted 246 Episodes.
Episode 40: Marvel's Phase 4 Fizzle
August 11th, 2019 | 48 mins 12 secs
a good doctor doom, all of a slut'n, always sunny in philadelphia, birds as pet, black widow, blade, brooklyn, captian marvel 2, cat gymnasium, dare devil, dark knight, deadpool, disney, disney plus, dodo bird, dominatrix class, dr. strange, espn, eternals, fantastic four, far from home, fox, freddy krueger, giant cannibal parrot, grab hair, green arrow, guardians of the galaxy, hawkeye, hulu, humbre mono, i have a bird is a deal breaker, incredible hulk, incredibles, into feet, ironman, jason momoa not doing aquaman 2, lick my feet, logan, loki, man of steel, mary kate and ashley olsen, mister whiskers does not approve, netflix won the game of thrones, not a fan of birds, not into braids, penis is turning into bone, princess leia, robert downey jr, robot dick, rocket racoon, rogue one, scarlett johansson, shange chi legends of the ten rings, smells like hamsters, solo, sony, spider-man into the spider-verse, spiderman, star wars, std trauma, stephen king movie about cats, superman, swamp thing, t-rex is a little bird, the clown of birds, the falcon and the winter soldier, thor, too many animals, wanda hotter then scarlett johansson, wandavision, welcome back, wet t-shirt contest, what if, wolverine, xmen
On this episode: cannibal parrots, a new “bone” grows inside 63yr old Bronx man, a touch of dominatrix and Marvel Universe Phase 4.
Episode 39: Point of Personal Privilege
August 8th, 2019 | 1 hr 8 mins
19th birthday, 30 seconds, 8 chan, aggressive scent, ambulance hits pothole, back to the future, baseball hits bird, beto o'rourke, bird hits girl on roller coaster, bird hits wind shield, bird hits window, both parents murdered at restaurant, butt dialing, buy a tank, buy back the guns, car accidents, car thief, changed the headlines, clapping, comrade, control the media control the minds, criticize police, daycare, dayton, democratic socialists, depend against a tyrannical government, don't talk to cops, eat each other out, el paso, feathers, flu, fort hood, gender pronouns, get off my lawn, go fund me to kill, gun, gun control, gun violence, hand gun homicide, having sex with his dog, he/him, hillary clinton, hot tub time machine, how many more rapes have to occur before you cut off your dick, i've got monsters, internal google memos, it's mama, keeping a close eye on them, kentucky deluxe whiskey, kids are not disciplined at home, killed his sister, liberal city, lightning strikes septic tank, list of massacres, madonna, manifesto, maxine waters, medical errors, moral foundation, neil degrasse tyson, new york time, news headline from each state, no rights no guns no protection, not a trump supporter, nuclear bomb in the back, off duty military, point of personal privilege, pot holes, preferred pronoun, race track, randy johnson, rattle snake, reichstag fire, robert de niro, sandy hook, second amendment, shot a congressman at a softball game, still accountable, suicide, they are shit hole nations, they sell guns at walmart, toilet explodes, tom hanks, trump owes el paso for shooting, truth is not a left wing value, twitter disabled his account after shooting, twitter removing hits, unity over racism, uranium, uranium ore on amazon, video games, walmart
The crew's laughter and tears in this episode covers; Florida's exploding toilet, Oklahoma's car theft, Queensland roller-coaster ride, a Nebraska pothole moment, Alabama's carnival man, democratic-socialism meetings, gun-control and the 1st & 2nd Amendments.
Episode 38: Capitalist Cavemen
August 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 13 mins
#walkaway movement, $500 a week down to $200 a week, 16 to 18 cm, 20 or 50, 9 year old artist, 9.0, a$ap rocky, ankle surgery, asians wearing maga hats, australia, belly flop, blue wave, brandon straka, burkini, camelback and indian school, capitalist countries with socialist programs, cavemen jeremy, cavemen saul, cavemen tim, chelsea handler, cocaine under toupee, coins, congress person, congress womaintenance, cry for attention, dark web, europe has been invaded, fake injuries, fake news, free school, gaza strip, gdpr, ghettobirds, give up your guns, golan heights, government assisted health care, greece, greece had more employees than offices for them, hamas, he broke it, he has a sock around it, he was wearing a hat, head smashed into the wall, i want you dead, i will be your friend shirt, i-17, increase the retirement wage, israel palestine conflict, italy, joe biden can't fill a hot tub, jumper, jussie smollett, largest penis, lip stick on a socialist pig, maga hat in new york, magatron events at a$aps next event, maryvale, masturbating, necklace, no coal, no history of palestine, no one will buy a shitty product, no option but to riot, not a drone strike, oac, off brand charger, on top of the sign, oversized toupee, people from sweden, phone charger, privacy, red wave, refugees, rescue europe again, rob a bank, ronald reagan started make america great again, rub him right, same old shit, save face, socialism does not allow for people to be better, some people did something, sports illustrated, thanks sweden courts, united kingdom, vibrator, west bank, white supremacist jews, workfare instead of welfare, world record, you lack the understanding of how the economy works, your dog is peeing on my lawn
Prepare for laughs and discussion of a Mexican penis, Cocaine smuggler, a couple PSA moments, freeway jumpers, AOC, Capitalism vs Socialism and the Cavemen
Episode 37: The Infestation Proclamation
August 1st, 2019 | 1 hr 39 secs
$15 billion, 3 weeks without seeing a judge, a$ap rocky, al sharpton, ambulance chaser, angry latina girl, are you tired of winning, arkansas, austin, baltimore, baltimore sun, ben shapiro, bill clinton, chicago rat problem, cnn reporter, colorado, cracked tail light, curling, defending rats, dennys, donkey punch, dr drew, elijah cummings, fart, female black marine general, fifa, finland, flags, fox news, good fellas, guatemla, hillary clinton, i am gay and conservative, identity the problem, if you know how to use a broom, ihop, infested, kanye west, king face, liberty police, maxine waters, missouri, montaga, nancy pelosi, new olympic event, not assimilating, not florida, obama, over reaching, plea deal, public health crisis, puto, racist, reagan bush 84 hat, red sports drink, refugees, san antonio, santisis, scream out fagette, shitting in the ocean, skid row, soft bigotry of low expectations, sweden, swimming in shit, switzerland, teamster, they want to blame trump, to use it wisely, trump is getting shit done, turning point usa, typhus, viva la mexico, waka flocka, well played satan, wife carrying championship
The crew talks about automotive uses for sports drinks, farting criminals, wife carrying and rat infestations.
Episode 36: Evil Triumphs When Good Men do Nothing
July 28th, 2019 | 51 mins 51 secs
$100 million fine, 16 year old girl and an 80 year old women, 2003, 40 miles next to her dead grandmother, abortion vs death penalty, airforce base, animal shelter, area 51, arizona license renewal, army base rape and murder, attack cat, bath salts, bear, being nosey, big boobs, bill barr, boston marathon bomber, boy attacked by dog, california sucks ass through a straw, capital punishment, charleston church shooting, cheese burger, chemical, designer drugs, dismembered, dispensary, do not kill do not kill, dog attacking car, dumpster, execute 5 death row inmates, facebook $5 billion fine, fair wage, father mother and 8 year old daughter, federal government, for evil to provail good men must do nothing, grandmother and 9 year old, guatemala, hang them, inhumane, innocent until proven guilty, it takes ball to admit you are a coward, jerk dog, kevlar, kidnapping, killed 5 people, kingpin of methamphetamine, las vegas shooter, leave a note, legal loopholes, magic pill, medication, mental problem, minimum wage, mueller, ninja slap, pissed off tim, rachel on blast, raped, raping and killing a female soldier, stand between the knife and my son, temporary insanity, tortured and killed his 2 year old daughter, total loss fire, truck, wax pen, we all like a little pink in the middle, you can't test for dumb, youtubes, zero evidence
The crew talks about animal shelters, pot eating bears and capital punishment.
Episode 35: Drain The Bathwater
July 25th, 2019 | 59 mins 21 secs
a chance to see history, alphabet, amazon, america leads, anti-trust, at&t, band wagon, barnes and then noble, big government, bomb threat, braintree, brazil, britain's prime minister, but it's not google, cages, deadpool, department of justice, don't go after his policies, don't teach you that in school, duckduckgo, elephant, escape artist, flight attendant, full of anger, go back to your country, go bing something, go to the midwest, google, google that shit, greece, he was aces, health networks, hillbilly stills, hot as soccer balls, i bet it feels huge in this hand, i buy a lot of weird ass shit, illegal immigration, italy, jumped on the airplane, keep them in the dark, kill politically correct, leeroy jenkins, lufthansa, ma bell, maga people, maga themed wedding, magatron,, massachusetts police, monopoly, multiple wedding invites, muslim brotherhood, no go zones, nokia, not in florida, not worthy of your platform, off on a tangent, on line bill of rights, prager u is…, prager university, preacher, project veritas, pyramid schemes, rapping about trump, refugees, revolution, rob the movie theater, sell her bath water, she has pink hair, small business owners, spiderman, sunglasses, the bell system, too hot, turmoil in the middle east, twitch, usa usa usa, vimeo, what are they doing with your data, whistle blower, white guilt prayer, win by a land slide, you heard it here first
The crew talks about heat waves, bomb threats, climbing buildings, crashing weddings and monopolies.
Episode 34: What Do Women Want??
July 20th, 2019 | 58 mins 56 secs
50/50, air bnb, arizona, body parts, both parents are important, castration, cooler filled with male genitalia, cotton, dad jokes, dark web, dulce base, eye lashes, fashion nova, freud, google tracking porn, hate crime, hybrid humans, i am from the south, institutional racism is dead, it's in the top five, joker laugh, jordan peterson, jussie smollett, left the rope on the table, lollapalooza, meatbelt, moleman, new mexico, noose, octopusman, over feminized, over react, over sensitive society, rape, selling this shit to china, shotbun, sperm donor, stockholm syndrome, survival of the fittest, they want dick, toxic masculinity, university of michigan, weinermobile, what do woman want, woman ceo, woman don't need men, women need men like a fish needs a bicycle, you have not been to the south, your phone is listening to you
The crew talks about renting the Wiener mobile, body parts for sale, tracking porn habits and want women want.
Episode 33: Storming Area 51 Leeroy Jenkins Style
July 18th, 2019 | 1 hr 6 mins
4d underwater chess, alex p keaton republican, aliens, bbq, ben shapiro, bill maher, bridezilla, chief grilling officer, cpap, cunt-fused, don't do it, donkeys, facebook event, father and bride, florida, grab them by the pussy, groupies, hanging by the pool, happy birthday tim, hush hush, just be cool, killing american citizens on american soil, land crabs, leeroy jenkins, naps, naruto run, never trumper, pew pew pew, photographer, pool hop, port saint lucie, rained out of their holes, release an alien on them, september 20th, sharks on land, snoozeterns, squad of tards, squad of twats, storm area 51, their people to have their jobs, they hate this country, tide pods, tie a bow, trump, tweets, walk to the alter, we have crabs, we will fuck you up, what a bunch of nerds, world of warcraft, yacht groupies, yacht tester, you ruined my day
The crew talks about land crabs, a crazy bride, summer jobs, Area 51 and Trump's not so racist tweet.
Episode 32: Social Media Summit
July 13th, 2019 | 53 mins 29 secs
9th circuit court, a lobster on my cock, back of the truck, bagel boss, bat-shit crazy, bill clinton, blow-up their balls, boston, cbs, completely stop drinking, crazy, detroit, dixon, drain that swamp, epstein, face your problem, facebook, fake news, firecrackers, google, highest approval rating, hong kong, hsa, inflatable pool, influencers, joe biden, judicial collusion, looks like a dumb bag of rocks, magatron, mar-a-lago, mental well-being, modifing searches, mohegan sun, obamacare, pay stubs, pissed off tim, pool on the roof of an suv, pranks, project veritas, rattan, report facts, route 2, selling girl scout cookies, sex island, singapore caning, stand on the roof of a moving car, station wagon, sundar pichai, that guy is a beast, titty out of the mouth, trump social media summit, twitter
The crew talks about women's mental health, stupid people with fireworks, a nominee for mother of the year and the "Trump Social Media Summit".
Episode 31: Erasing History
July 11th, 2019 | 1 hr 3 mins
10 groomsman, 2 wedding on the same day, 93 year old, abject poverty, amazon warehouse tours, ami horowitz, arrested, bank robbery, blue origins, bucket list, canary in the coal mine, catholic wedding, chernobyl, collection plates, college campusus, crash a total stranger's wedding, egypt, elon musk, employed more people than any other president, employee market, erasing history, face mask of chick-fil-a sauce, go to mars, go to the moon, grand theft auto, great wall, high school principle, holocaust, house of cards ready to collapse, identity politics, isis flag, israel, israeli flag, jeff bezos, jewish community, jordan peterson, mexico wedding, move the embassy to jerusalem, naked time, old people travel stuff, peyote, political correctness run amok, pyramids, quaaludes, richard branson, scarlett johansson, science over politics, segregation, skinny dipping, skydiving, slavery, space travel, space-x, sphinx, steal a lamborghini, streak across the top of the great wall, surrounded by wolves, the jews have all the money, the world wasn't fair, thomas sowell, throwing the party is the fun part, top 80% to the bottom 20%, traveling, ussr, virgin atlantic, virgin galactic, vomit comet, who is the best man
The crew talks about strange bucket lists and Holocaust denial.
Episode 30: Cryptonite
July 7th, 2019 | 51 mins 59 secs
$4.8 million, $592000, $67000, 65 bitcoin, a small car from italy, bars of gold in your closet, bitcoin exchange, black mirror, black-off of 2003, castaway, corpse, cyber warfare, dark web, deep nude app, direct deposit, dogcoin, email attachment, emp, encrypted, faked porn video of gal gadot and scarlett johansson, fiat currency, firebombing, florida, freddy krueger, friendship with a volleyball, gold, hatfield and mccoys, her, honor amongst thieves, ia, joaquin phoenix, joe rogan app, minivan hurst, molotov cocktail, more than one living occupant, multiple personality disordered, nevada highway patrol, oklahoma, only does women, ransomware, riviera beach, second degree arson, security camera, she doesn't look like she is getting any, shot into the neighbor's house, silver, social engineering, strange things are afoot at the circle k, technology helping people, ted body, the world is not ready for deep nude, trees in oregon, virtual currency, webcam, what is the future of currency
The crew talks about carpooling with the dead, Artificial Intelligence, angry neighbors, ransomware and crypto currency.
Episode 29: Betsy Ross vs Nike
July 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 10 mins
2 chicken wings, 3 fried cheese sticks, 3 month old pothole, african tribes enslaved other african tribes, ambulance, andy ngo, antifa, arizona streets, arkansas, attacked twice, be on a diet on your own time, betsy ross, black panthers, blu, brain hemorrhage, brick thrown at his head, broadway, bulling, cake, canceled goodyear factory, click bait, cnn, colin kaepernick, do you think i like skinny girls, doug ducey, extra fries, fake news, felony battery, fiat currency, first president in north korea, florida, forth hand smoke, fourth of july, frank, freddie kruger, fuck nike, gay asian reporter, go fund me, grow corns on my feet, i don't care, i know you are hungry, in your face racism, jussie smollett, kansas city streets, kim jong un, largest air force, little rock, malcom x, mama dee's, mcdonalds, milkshakes, minor food theft, most african slaves went to south america, my girlfriend is not hungry, nike, no safe spaces, order for her, order the wrong food, police told to stand down, portland mayor, potholes, quick dry cement, rand paul, rocket man, san francisco bans e-cigarettes, sanctions, second hand smoke, smoking, smoking a chimney, socialism just takes and takes and takes, sweet and sour packets, take it easy with the perfume, terrorist, the cucumber challenge, the proud boys, the rise of the kkk, the sand lot, they don't respect him, third hand smoke, tinder dates not eating, vegan milkshakes, we are out pf tide pods, we will never surrender for peace, what is up with florida, where is the right wing violence
The crew talks about fling sauce packets, fry stealing girlfriends, potholes, Antifa, Trump crossing the border and Nike being a bunch of bitches.
Episode 28: Trump Situación 1984
June 29th, 2019 | 59 mins 5 secs
12 year picture, all cultures are equal, anti-trust laws, appointment, beto o'rourke, better the devil you know, black supremacy, blexit, china, cory booker, daenerys, dmv, dnc debate, doj, driver license, federal building, federal database, flagging abusive tweets, food is a part of culture, foot in the door, gold star, greek food, hong kong, irs, j666, james o'keefe, jon snow, kamala harris, kiosk, kkk, latinos for trump, malcom x, mexican food, multi-culturalism, mutants, mvd, october 2020, pandering, passport, passport card, photo line, platforms vs publishers, project veritas, public forum, public good, read the instructions, real id, short fat bald hispanic guy, social security card, spoilers, superior cultures, tariffs, titter, too big, torturing animals, travel id, trump, tsa, twitter, tyrion, unlock apple phone, utility bill, vehicle registration, zombies
The crew talks about the MVD, twitter overreach, the DNC Debates and cultures.
Episode 27: Muh Reparations
June 23rd, 2019 | 1 hr 4 mins
8 hour drive, a nude horse is a rude horse, ammunition, arctic circle, armpit rashes, athens, attack squirrel, barney, bird feeders, body armor, brazil, buck henry, bull dog, canada, casino, civil war, clothing animals, cold stone creamery, cross fit, crown, cults, david letterman, detox, dmv, donald duck, driver license, drug dealers, ellis island, england, family guy, feeding tiger, fish, flag day, florida, for decency's sake, freddy krueger, french moto, funny money, game of thrones, hugging the flag, human trafficing, indecency today means morality tomorrow, indian reservation, interest rates, jumbotrons, kanye west, larry elder, lost 10 million followers, medical board, meth squirrel, mickey paulk, mrs. kennedy won't you please clothe your horses for decency, narcolepsy, omerta, peter griffin, pug, queen of the north, queens, racheal broke shit, raised $30 million in 24 hours, reparations, ronnie reynolds, sanctuary, saturday night live, scavenger hunt, scooby doo, service animal, sina, spain, statue of liberty, sweden, take the bus, talking stick, the best city in the world, throne, trump supporter, walmart, want to belong, winnie the pooh
The crew talks about an attack squirrel, an arctic scavenger hunt, clothing animals, bullying and paying for the past.
Episode 26: Brokeback Vipers
June 16th, 2019 | 50 mins 28 secs
16 year old girl, 1977, 38th birthday, 80 year women's name, a layer of sexuality, bachelor life, banned nuclear power plants, best friends, black mirror, chupacabra, come at me, danny, declassified, deer family origin, deer hair, dna, drone wars, drones, drunk, emotional cheating, emotional connection, ester, ethan, faa, fbi hunts for big foot, fighting, finger in his belly button, first amendment, fluid sexuality, freedom of information act, hair analysis, how sex works, i got to put sneakers on, i have a headache, i really don't believe you, is it cheating, is it gay, jfk, karl, kennedy assassination, make america great again tour, mantis, mortal combat, netflix, new captain america, new york times, no fly zone, not in the mood, parliament, peeping tom, pilots exam, police officer, race cross the parking lot, recapping, red flags, relationship toll, retard retard retard, roxette, san mateo, sex in the game, sexual role playing, snapchat, spoiler, street fighter, striking vipers, tell me the truth and i will know how to deal with it, to catch a predator, top secret, video game, you are making it look at me, you should pay for premium
The crew talks about drunk drones, a snapchat vigilante, a jet setting big foot and video game exploits.
Episode 25: The Pursuit of Something Better
June 8th, 2019 | 1 hr 4 mins
11 charges, 56 ton bridge, 56 years old, a gun is a great equalizer, a platform for free speech, active shooter training, advox,, amazing, amazon driver, anal probing, arranged marriages, borders on evil, british talk, broadcast porn, carlos maza, civil war, columbine, conservatives dominate the internet, criminally liable, dave rubin, devoid of humor, did not hear the gun shots, duty scot peterson, emotional connection, fear, feels justified in their hate, finland verses fenway, full of hate, giggling passengers, gofundme, gravel driveway, happy d-day, he is german, icebreaker, indiegogo, jorden peterson, just following orders, kids in the car, larry elder, leftwing pieces of shit, library porn, maxine waters, metal thieves, missing bridge, my tube driver, obsession, order to not intervene, parkland fl, perfect girl on paper, perjury, prost, put your headphones on, radio show, raking at gunpoint, read her mind, rejecting multi-culturalism, retirement benefits, romantic comedies, russia social network, scared, school resource officer, shit on the streets, southwestern rail, spitting, sro, steven crowder, stopped other police officers, tannoy system, thawt police, the gay mexican, throw milkshakes, tipping, trump rally, vk, vocabulary, vox, voxadpocalypse, wanton, we all have a conscience, what is in your heart, why won't you commit to me, youtube demonetizing
The crew talks about a disappearing bridge, raking at gun point, dereliction of duty, and obsession.