Episode 29
Betsy Ross vs Nike
July 4th, 2019
1 hr 10 mins 30 secs
About this Episode
The crew discusses an angry boyfriend that was arrested for felony battery after this girlfriend order the wrong food at McDonald's. Saul talks about his issue with tinder dates that won't order dinner and road conditions near his home. The group expresses their outrage at Antifa terrorizing and assaulting conservatives while CNN tries to spin their narrative and the Portland Mayor shows his indifference. The discussion continues with Trump in North Korea and what it might mean for the future of both countries. The wonderment continues with Nike's decision to cancel their new "Betsy Ross Flag" sneakers because Colin Kaepernick's feelings were hurt. All this and more on this episode of The Saulty Show.
Hosts: Saul, Tim, Jeremy
Guest: Heidi