We found 10 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “fake news”.
Episode 51: Democracy Dies In Darkness
September 19th, 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
ace bandage, aoc, batman, benjamin netanyahu, bicycle riding, bill burr, bill clinton, billionaire, car accident, corey lewandowski, dan crenshaw, dave chappell, dillinger, disney, dui, elizabeth warren, executive privilege, exhumed, exit polls, facebook, fake news, fbi, fox news, friday the 13th, handcuffed, hbo go, impeachment, israel election, kavanaugh, kevin hart, minneapolis, montia sabbag, mummy marauder, narcissistic, netflix, new york times, nothing burger, obama, parliamentary rules, platform vs publishers, robber, single parents, sjw, somali refugees, streaming, theater, trolling, trump rally, white gauze, witch hunt
The crew discusses Dillinger's death, a billionaire brat, robbery suspects, a mummy, sex in a cop car, HBO streaming, Minneapolis robberies, another Kavanaugh witch hunt and the Trump Impeachment hearings.
Episode 45: Trump 45 and 2 Zig Zags
August 29th, 2019 | 59 mins 34 secs
3 stooges, a onetime bad congressmen, african immigrants, america first, antifa, archived tweets, asshole love, assless chaps, border wall, boston, brett kavanaugh, britain, british accent, catalina lauf, china grabbing leaders, cnm fake news, couldn't stand up straight, dave chappelle, david harris, drag show, failed in radio, fake news, g7, germany, guatemala, headline stress disorder, hot conservatives, hypocrisy, i should be able to take them, i've said racists thing but who hasn't, in the middle, intimate moment, it's more inclusive, japan, joe walsh, kremin, lgbtqs, look at this fredo, maga hats, melania trump, mexico's southern border, milo, milo yiannopoulos, mr. appalachian trail, mtv, potpourri of diversity, puppet master, racist tweets, rick rolled, russian jokes, s is for straight, safe places, safe spaces, slapping trump, sour face, steven crowder, straight pride parade, stuart varney, telemundo, the left can't meme, tim is running for congress, tommy robinson, took saul to a gay bar, trump 45, trump 45 and two zig zags, trump episode, tweet archives, twitter, we found some police, when donald trump forgets to wear clothes
The crew celebrates their 45th episode with a tribute to the 45th president.
Episode 38: Capitalist Cavemen
August 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 13 mins
#walkaway movement, $500 a week down to $200 a week, 16 to 18 cm, 20 or 50, 9 year old artist, 9.0, a$ap rocky, ankle surgery, asians wearing maga hats, australia, belly flop, blue wave, brandon straka, burkini, camelback and indian school, capitalist countries with socialist programs, cavemen jeremy, cavemen saul, cavemen tim, chelsea handler, cocaine under toupee, coins, congress person, congress womaintenance, cry for attention, dark web, europe has been invaded, fake injuries, fake news, free school, gaza strip, gdpr, ghettobirds, give up your guns, golan heights, government assisted health care, greece, greece had more employees than offices for them, hamas, he broke it, he has a sock around it, he was wearing a hat, head smashed into the wall, i want you dead, i will be your friend shirt, i-17, increase the retirement wage, israel palestine conflict, italy, joe biden can't fill a hot tub, jumper, jussie smollett, largest penis, lip stick on a socialist pig, maga hat in new york, magatron events at a$aps next event, maryvale, masturbating, necklace, no coal, no history of palestine, no one will buy a shitty product, no option but to riot, not a drone strike, oac, off brand charger, on top of the sign, oversized toupee, people from sweden, phone charger, privacy, red wave, refugees, rescue europe again, rob a bank, ronald reagan started make america great again, rub him right, same old shit, save face, socialism does not allow for people to be better, some people did something, sports illustrated, thanks sweden courts, united kingdom, vibrator, west bank, white supremacist jews, workfare instead of welfare, world record, you lack the understanding of how the economy works, your dog is peeing on my lawn
Prepare for laughs and discussion of a Mexican penis, Cocaine smuggler, a couple PSA moments, freeway jumpers, AOC, Capitalism vs Socialism and the Cavemen
Episode 32: Social Media Summit
July 13th, 2019 | 53 mins 29 secs
9th circuit court, a lobster on my cock, back of the truck, bagel boss, bat-shit crazy, bill clinton, blow-up their balls, boston, cbs, completely stop drinking, crazy, detroit, dixon, drain that swamp, epstein, face your problem, facebook, fake news, firecrackers, google, highest approval rating, hong kong, hsa, inflatable pool, influencers, joe biden, judicial collusion, looks like a dumb bag of rocks, magatron, mar-a-lago, mental well-being, modifing searches, mohegan sun, obamacare, pay stubs, pissed off tim, pool on the roof of an suv, pranks, project veritas, rattan, report facts, route 2, selling girl scout cookies, sex island, singapore caning, stand on the roof of a moving car, station wagon, sundar pichai, that guy is a beast, titty out of the mouth, trump social media summit, twitter
The crew talks about women's mental health, stupid people with fireworks, a nominee for mother of the year and the "Trump Social Media Summit".
Episode 29: Betsy Ross vs Nike
July 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 10 mins
2 chicken wings, 3 fried cheese sticks, 3 month old pothole, african tribes enslaved other african tribes, ambulance, andy ngo, antifa, arizona streets, arkansas, attacked twice, be on a diet on your own time, betsy ross, black panthers, blu, brain hemorrhage, brick thrown at his head, broadway, bulling, cake, canceled goodyear factory, click bait, cnn, colin kaepernick, do you think i like skinny girls, doug ducey, extra fries, fake news, felony battery, fiat currency, first president in north korea, florida, forth hand smoke, fourth of july, frank, freddie kruger, fuck nike, gay asian reporter, go fund me, grow corns on my feet, i don't care, i know you are hungry, in your face racism, jussie smollett, kansas city streets, kim jong un, largest air force, little rock, malcom x, mama dee's, mcdonalds, milkshakes, minor food theft, most african slaves went to south america, my girlfriend is not hungry, nike, no safe spaces, order for her, order the wrong food, police told to stand down, portland mayor, potholes, quick dry cement, rand paul, rocket man, san francisco bans e-cigarettes, sanctions, second hand smoke, smoking, smoking a chimney, socialism just takes and takes and takes, sweet and sour packets, take it easy with the perfume, terrorist, the cucumber challenge, the proud boys, the rise of the kkk, the sand lot, they don't respect him, third hand smoke, tinder dates not eating, vegan milkshakes, we are out pf tide pods, we will never surrender for peace, what is up with florida, where is the right wing violence
The crew talks about fling sauce packets, fry stealing girlfriends, potholes, Antifa, Trump crossing the border and Nike being a bunch of bitches.
Episode 20: The Archetypical Hero We Need
May 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
air pods, alex jones, allegedly, archetypal heroes, be a hero in your own story, bear, bitten by snake, brazil, bruce wayne, camel toe, change from within, communicate, dare devil, dark knight, darth vader, debt to mob, drug shootout, emotional weekend, end game, express yourself, facebook, fade to black, fake news, flaming hot cheetos, force to look, freddy krueger, freedom of speech, freezing in danger, game of thrones, gas cylinder, groups, guns, harvey dent situation, heard mentality, hero within, heroes journey, heroes of our own story, hope, i can't be a fire fighter, i need a lawyer, infinity wars, joker, jon snow, jordon peterson, killing joke, league of shadows, listens to shit, lithium batteries, lord of the rings, louis farrakhan, martial arts, marvel, milo yiannopoulos, monster within you, moose knuckle, ninja star, nun chuck, parents taken, parrot, seven realms, shot, shot in face, sleep ate, spoiler alert, star wars, struggle for control, struggle is a good thing, supreme ordeal, switch blades, token left, tom brady, tony stark, twitter, user acceptance agreement, warren buffet, wendy williams, white walkers, whitelisting, winking at a girl in the dark, wrestling, younger sister, zoo security guard
The crew talks about nunchucks, a bad ass parrot, AirPods, Facebook Censoring and
Archetypical Heroes.