Episode 170
The End of A Plandemic
January 23rd, 2022
1 hr 48 mins 53 secs
About this Episode
Hello to our fellow Non-Biden-ary people, fellow oath keepers.
Bing Bong the Covid Bitch is dead! Which old Bitch? The Covid Bitch.
Join the crew as we discuss the death of the covid hysteria that is being kept alive on the media's respirator.
Also, Joe Bi-ven Holds a press conference and hilarity ensues for the Geriatric-in-chief. These jokes write themselves, folks.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show
Episode Links
- LAPD Officers displayed heroism and quick action by saving the life of a pilot who made an emergency landing
- The democrats all of a sudden want civility and respect towards the POTUS
- Biden loses his train of thought during a press conference
- Biden says he has "no idea" why America thinks he is unfit to serve
- Tulsi Gabbard says Biden is tearing America apart
- Bill Maher has on a liberal guest who admits she is done with the covid hysteria
- Chairwoman of the Transportation Committee can't park her car
- Western Australia - MP Mark McGowan gets an aboriginal woman to translate English into English