We found 4 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “mandates”.
Episode 170: The End of A Plandemic
January 23rd, 2022 | 1 hr 48 mins
25th ammendment, aboriginal, anesthetics, atomic bomb, australia, biden, bill maher, border, bush, c.s. lewis, car market, cartels, cdc, china, chip shortage, civility, cognitive decline, constitution, covid testing, delusional, dementia, disease, fool, high disapproval, hypocrites, inflation, irrational, lincoln, mandates, memory loss, mental decline, natural immunity, nuclear war, plague, press conference, reagan, republic, russia, russian troops, semiconductor, senile, sheep, supermarkets, supply chain, tik tok, train wreck, transportation committee, tulsi gabbard, ukraine, us, vaccine, voter id
Hello to our fellow Non-Biden-ary people, fellow oath keepers.
Bing Bong the Covid Bitch is dead! Which old Bitch? The Covid Bitch.
Join the crew as we discuss the death of the covid hysteria that is being kept alive on the media's respirator.Also, Joe Bi-ven Holds a press conference and hilarity ensues for the Geriatric-in-chief. These jokes write themselves, folks.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show
Episode 158: F*ck Joe Biden
September 13th, 2021 | 1 hr 32 mins
biden, china, communism, congress, covid, evil, exempt, far-right, fjb, flight 93, george bush, islamic terrorist, larry elder, mandates, never forget, new world order, new york, north korea, nyc, obama, rose mcgowan, russia, september 11, shanksville, superpower, terrorism, trump won, tyranny, we forgot
On this episode of The Saulty Show, the crew is back to politics! Join us as we discuss the latest on the tyrannical mandates, the Afghanistan debacle, and Biden's popularity across the nation. 80 Million votes?
Episode 134: Cancel Culture
March 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 14 mins
american rescue plan, aunt jemima, biden, cancel culture, cardi b, covid, delaware, democrat, depression, dr fauci, ebay, gavin newsome, german sheppard, ihateithere, lockdowns, mandates, megan merkel, michelle obama, mississippi, mr potato head, neanderthals, new york times, prince harry, republican, sr seuss, suicide, super straight, texas, totalitarinaism, tranny, uncle ben, wap
House passes 1.9 trillion monstrosity and not one Republican voted for it. #unity
Prince Harry and Megan Merkel Smollett are victims of racism and need help paying for their 14 million dollar mansion.
Everything is canceled! We'll give you the latest in the list of things the left has banned this week.
All that and more, on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 114: The Upside Down
October 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 11 mins
25th amendment, america, anthony scaramucci, biden, billboards, blexit, blm, california, certified polls, chicago, communism, conservative, covid, crossroads, cuomo, debates, democrats, election, enthusiasm, face mask, florida, gavin newsom, hollywood, jewish, kamala harris, lations, lockdowns, los angeles, mandates, maxine waters, media, nancy pelosi, operation maga, pathetic, police, polls, predetermined, presidential debates commission, puerto rico, reagan, republican, repudiation, revolt, scientific, socialism, steve scully, super spreader, telemundo, transmission risk, trump, twitter, upside down, washington dc
On this Episode of the Saulty Show
Trump beats Covid! But the media still calls him a "super spreader"
More covid mandates. You think its ridiculous now? wait till you here what California's Governor, Gavin Newsome is proposing.
We're officially in the Upside down, my friends.
Also the 25th amendment is under fire as Nancy and the Democrats try to modify it. What are they concocting now?