We found 10 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “ukraine”.
Episode 218: American Downfall
February 27th, 2023 | 1 hr 7 mins
biden, covid, degeneracy, downfall, godless, kgb, moral decline, nuclear war, putin, religious principles, russia, ukraine
On this episode of The Saulty Show, join the crew as we uncover the unsettling truth behind the COVID pandemic's political exploitation and the American Christian conservatives' surrender of religious freedom. We also examine how America's moral decline, caused by its forgetfulness of its religious foundation, has left it vulnerable to Russia's bid for world superpower status. Tune in for a thought-provoking and timely discussion on the state of America in the face of crisis.
Episode 217: Chernobyl 2.0
February 17th, 2023 | 1 hr 19 mins
conspiracy theory, cover-up, east palestine, federal aid, lies, missiles, nato, norfolk southern, ohio, rumors of war, ukraine, weather balloon
The Toxic Truth: The Crew discusses the Ohio train derailment cover-up and its potential deadly consequences
Episode 178: The Slappiest Place on Earth
April 3rd, 2022 | 1 hr 59 mins
academy awards, actor, aphantasia, aphasia, award, biden, chris rock, disney, diversity, gay agenda, lapd, my minds eye, oscars, pedophilia, picture this, poland, putin, reimagine, russia, trauma, ukraine, violence, will smith
Disney goes full pedo-mode, Will smith slaps the shit out of Chris Rock, and Biden gets lost in Poland.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 176: The New Cold War
March 21st, 2022 | 1 hr 36 mins
achilles, article 5, berlin, biden cold war, bishop, bucharest summit, checkmate, chess, communism, coup, covid, democracy, democrats, foreign policy experts, germany, greek mythology, hector, hitler, homer, kiev, king, lgbt, maidan protests, monroe doctrine, nato, nato expansion, orange revolution, pawn, peace, pelosi, poland, priam, putin, republicans, russia, the big guy, the iliad, ukraine, virology experts, wwiii, zelensky
Join the crew as they continue to discuss the current state of foreign affairs. The drumbeat towards a war with Russia is getting louder and louder and no one is thinking about the ramifications. We may be setting ourselves up for failure.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 174: Propaganda
March 3rd, 2022 | 1 hr 21 mins
balloons, border crisis, covid, democrats, dnc, fetish, george soros, hollywood, inflation crisis, joe biden, lauren boebert, legacy media, nato, rino, russia, sean penn, sotu, state of the union, trump, ukraine, zelensky
Biden gives his State of The Union Address but there was a lot of copy/paste from the previous state of the unions.
Russia invades Ukraine and covid suddenly disappears.
Jeremy shares the latest in weird news. From Beer Guts to strange fetishes.
And Heidi shares more deep thoughts from her book of stories.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 170: The End of A Plandemic
January 23rd, 2022 | 1 hr 48 mins
25th ammendment, aboriginal, anesthetics, atomic bomb, australia, biden, bill maher, border, bush, c.s. lewis, car market, cartels, cdc, china, chip shortage, civility, cognitive decline, constitution, covid testing, delusional, dementia, disease, fool, high disapproval, hypocrites, inflation, irrational, lincoln, mandates, memory loss, mental decline, natural immunity, nuclear war, plague, press conference, reagan, republic, russia, russian troops, semiconductor, senile, sheep, supermarkets, supply chain, tik tok, train wreck, transportation committee, tulsi gabbard, ukraine, us, vaccine, voter id
Hello to our fellow Non-Biden-ary people, fellow oath keepers.
Bing Bong the Covid Bitch is dead! Which old Bitch? The Covid Bitch.
Join the crew as we discuss the death of the covid hysteria that is being kept alive on the media's respirator.Also, Joe Bi-ven Holds a press conference and hilarity ensues for the Geriatric-in-chief. These jokes write themselves, folks.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show
Episode 140: The Scapegoat
April 22nd, 2021 | 1 hr 28 mins
biden, big tech, blm, canada, china, cnn, deep state, defense, democrats, desantis, dr fauci, fbi, george floyd, guilty, insurrection, james o'keefe, jim jordan, judge, jury, lebron james, liz cheney, manslaughter, maxine waters, minnesota, mistrial, murder, passports, police, project veritas, putin, republicans, rino, russia, sequester, taiwan, trump, twitter, ukraine, us border, war monger
Abolishing the electoral college, packing the courts, disarming America, and more censorship; Just another week of the tyrannical left destroying America.
The Chauvin trial was this week but the mob is asking for another sacrificial scapegoat. The media complied and have now moved to defend a knife-wielding 16-year-old.
Is covid finally over? Let's check with Dr. Fauci. He seems to be upset that the Chauvin trial took him out of the limelight for a week.
All that and more. on this Episode of The Saulty Show
Episode 115: Socialist Media
October 19th, 2020 | 1 hr 56 mins
acb, amy coney barrett, amy klobuchar, ant colony, blind, burisma, campaign, chinese, cnn, corruption, covid, democrats, diane feinstein, election, elephant, fec complaint, hawaii, healthcare, hearings, holocaust, hunter biden, ice cube, joe biden, jorge masvidal, judiciary committee, kayleigh mcenany, laptop, low energy, marie antoinette, masks, media, moderator, nancy pelosi, oligarch, pedophilia, platforms, project veritas, publisher, qanon, red pilled, rnc, russian disinformation campaign, savannah guthrie, scotus nomination, senator horono, sexual assault, socialist media, steve scully, tech giants, trump, ufc, ukraine, white supremacy
On this episode of The Saulty Show
The crew discusses the weeks events. Amy Coney Barrett hearing, the new Joe Biden corruption allegations, and Social Media's efforts to silence dissent. -
Episode 76: Coronavirus: Hysteria du jour
March 3rd, 2020 | 2 hrs 13 mins
alejandra ocasio-cortez, alice marie johnson, angela stanton king, anthony fauci, aps, basket, biden, black history month, border, buttigieg, communism, coronavirus, cpac2020, cubans, don mcgahn, dual citizenship, eggs, election, flu, flynn, france, greece, immigration, italy, latinos for trump, migrate, nuclear plant, obamas, pandemic, poland, president, primary, refugees, russia, sammy’s mexican grill, science fair project, socialism, solar energy, solar panels, south carolina, steyer, tailban, tennis, trump, trump2020, turkey, ukraine, wall, white house
On this Episode: South Carolina Primaries, Coronavirus, Peace in Afghanistan and more.
Episode 63: Quid Pro D'oh!
November 24th, 2019 | 1 hr 21 mins
911, abraham lincoln, adam schiff, all lives matter, ann coulter, antibiotics, aoc, assassination, bernie sanders, black friday, border patrol, buckets of diarrhea, candace owens, chipotle app, chris cuomo, clinton, clinton foundation, concealed weapon, conflict of interest, corruption, devin nunes, dick’s sporting goods, dillard’s, dmz, drain the swamp, fartgate, fbi, fisa report, fox news, fredo, gettysburg address, hearsay, heidi van tassel, hillary clinton, hunter biden, jc penny, jfk, jussie smollett, kohl’s, la, lori loughlin, lt. col. vindman, macy’s office max, mall of america, mr. obama, mr. vindman, obama, oil slick, peeing in the pool, pool parties, san fransisco, talking stick pool party, taylor swift, telltale heart, this day in history, tim horton’s, trump, tv star president, uc berkley, ukraine, withholding aid, zelensky, zuckerberg
The crew discusses Black Friday, the border patrol, a driving dog, a shart, this day in history, the Impeachment trial, all lives matter, Ann Coulter, an adult with diapers, and buckets of diarrhea.