Jeremy has hosted 232 Episodes.
Episode 26: Brokeback Vipers
June 16th, 2019 | 50 mins 28 secs
16 year old girl, 1977, 38th birthday, 80 year women's name, a layer of sexuality, bachelor life, banned nuclear power plants, best friends, black mirror, chupacabra, come at me, danny, declassified, deer family origin, deer hair, dna, drone wars, drones, drunk, emotional cheating, emotional connection, ester, ethan, faa, fbi hunts for big foot, fighting, finger in his belly button, first amendment, fluid sexuality, freedom of information act, hair analysis, how sex works, i got to put sneakers on, i have a headache, i really don't believe you, is it cheating, is it gay, jfk, karl, kennedy assassination, make america great again tour, mantis, mortal combat, netflix, new captain america, new york times, no fly zone, not in the mood, parliament, peeping tom, pilots exam, police officer, race cross the parking lot, recapping, red flags, relationship toll, retard retard retard, roxette, san mateo, sex in the game, sexual role playing, snapchat, spoiler, street fighter, striking vipers, tell me the truth and i will know how to deal with it, to catch a predator, top secret, video game, you are making it look at me, you should pay for premium
The crew talks about drunk drones, a snapchat vigilante, a jet setting big foot and video game exploits.
Episode 25: The Pursuit of Something Better
June 8th, 2019 | 1 hr 4 mins
11 charges, 56 ton bridge, 56 years old, a gun is a great equalizer, a platform for free speech, active shooter training, advox,, amazing, amazon driver, anal probing, arranged marriages, borders on evil, british talk, broadcast porn, carlos maza, civil war, columbine, conservatives dominate the internet, criminally liable, dave rubin, devoid of humor, did not hear the gun shots, duty scot peterson, emotional connection, fear, feels justified in their hate, finland verses fenway, full of hate, giggling passengers, gofundme, gravel driveway, happy d-day, he is german, icebreaker, indiegogo, jorden peterson, just following orders, kids in the car, larry elder, leftwing pieces of shit, library porn, maxine waters, metal thieves, missing bridge, my tube driver, obsession, order to not intervene, parkland fl, perfect girl on paper, perjury, prost, put your headphones on, radio show, raking at gunpoint, read her mind, rejecting multi-culturalism, retirement benefits, romantic comedies, russia social network, scared, school resource officer, shit on the streets, southwestern rail, spitting, sro, steven crowder, stopped other police officers, tannoy system, thawt police, the gay mexican, throw milkshakes, tipping, trump rally, vk, vocabulary, vox, voxadpocalypse, wanton, we all have a conscience, what is in your heart, why won't you commit to me, youtube demonetizing
The crew talks about a disappearing bridge, raking at gun point, dereliction of duty, and obsession.
Episode 24: The Letter of The Law vs The Spirit of The Law
June 1st, 2019 | 1 hr 9 mins
4 day prescription, 45 in a 55, 90 minutes, affecting relationships, afghanistan, apartment parking, asking for a friend, bet offshore, betting against tim, boston, bring your own cleaning supplies, bumper sticker, burn poppy fields, caffeine, casting a net, chick on meth, club soda, coffee, coffee and smoking, dairy queen, deputy struggles to justify the arrest, do you want to let it go, don't jump on a trampoline, donkey, drama, dumb-dumb did it, falcon v patriots, first amendment rights, florida, freedom of speech, get a check, ginger ale, going away party, hand to mouth motion, handicap space, he doesn't know how to spell ice cream, he losses every bet, hep-a, high speed lane, home cleaning, hot topic, hov lanes, hung over, i can run these broads off the road, i eat ass, i got a friend, i was lost, impeding traffic, keypad, kids birthday party music, know the code, last place you want to be is at a bar, leaves door unlocked, letter of the law vs spirit of the law, look lady, make amends, make right and then a u-turn, mud flaps, nicotine, not adequately treating a patients pain, opioids, oral fixation, orlando, pavlov's dog, people who don't feel pain, placard, play the odds, plays sound gives candy, porn addiction, possession and distribution, public safety, ran a red light, red bull, responding to texts, roses in the toilet paper, sabath, salty senorita, security system, sex drugs videogames, slept like crap, smoking and gambling, son's room is cleaned, speed limit, speed of traffic, spencer, state license, subjective objective assessment plan, sugar addition, switching alcohol for sugar, that_raepop, tie vs shirt, triggers, truck nuts, trying to be funny, vape, video game addiction, what are you doing - falls asleep
The crew talks about one man's culinary predilections, cleanly ghosts, laws, and addiction.
Episode 23: Memorial Day
May 25th, 2019 | 1 hr 6 mins
18 and up, 2 of 27, 3 day weekend, 3 pm local time, 30 years, 72 planes per wing, air force, arlington national cemetery, armed forces network, baja blast, banana spider, bbq, big black hat, britain, bronze star, brown recluse, camel spider, candy strippers, chaos magic, chihuahua, civil war, crash recovery, creepy ghost stuff, daddy long legs, declaration day, dmz, eastern, electric sting, ending the war, f4, fang rang, farted out the window, federal holiday, feeling violated, france, good morning vietnam, i take my pants off, it's on me, japan, kayak, kennedy, kia van, korean war, last monday of may, lbj, leg going numb, live by the code, longest war, luke airforce base, malaysia, marine, memorial day, mre, mud bath, names on the wall, national moment of remembrance, nationwide day of remembrance, navy, necrosis, nixon, numb tongue, ouija board, p3, phantom, post traumatic stress, psp runway, ptsd, purple heart, rnr, rok, san diego, scorpion, scorpion in the toilet, scorpion mating dance, shell shock, ship went down, silver star, slept on the wing, spanish american war, strange smells, taco bell cantina, taco bell infused cocktails, taco bell resort, team spirit, twa, vietnam conflict, wasp, wings, wolf spider, world war i, world war ii, yo quiero taco bell, you are entering a vd area, you are never going to sleep again
The crew talks about a fast food resort, an angry spider, bullying ghosts and what Memorial day means to us.
Episode 22: Unconditional Sex Strike
May 18th, 2019 | 1 hr 34 secs
#gotstrike, #sexstrike, 1650 likes, 2 tivos and square footage, 90210, abstinence, alyssa milano, another spoiler, arkansas, bananananana, banjo, beautiful people, burlesque, california sucks, candace owens, catfishing, colin kaepernick, conditional love, dating, deep sigh, enabler, escalated quickly, fat ugly chick, fayetteville, forged signatures, gender swap app, georgia abortion law, get a job, hbo, he is not bad a looking girl, hot dad, hunger strike, i like sex, india, jail break, jennifer, jess, let them fail, life support, living together, love and acceptance, love for star wars, love me at my worst, luke perry, marylyn monroe, metal carpet monkey, metal head, norway, not today satan, online dating, philippians, polish, push them out, remake season 8, roommates, roundabout, russia, scare, selfless to a point, shannen doherty, sheriff, showtime, starz, stupid dog, suck on society, sweden, tinder, twinkies, uk, unconditional hatred, unconditional love, unhealthy love, useless boyfriends, ventura, what is love
The crew talks about a paper work jail break, gender swapping apps, hashtag stupidity and conditions of love.
Episode 21: Decriminalizing Psychedelics
May 12th, 2019 | 1 hr 6 mins
airport, arizona, ben gurion, boarding pass, denver, israel, minnesota, mushrooms, porn, precheck, profiling, psilocybin, psychedelic, public health, tsa, uber
On this episode the crew discusses Denver's new laws decriminalizing psychedelic mushrooms, Arizona legislature declares porn a public health crisis and adventures with the TSA
Episode 20: The Archetypical Hero We Need
May 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
air pods, alex jones, allegedly, archetypal heroes, be a hero in your own story, bear, bitten by snake, brazil, bruce wayne, camel toe, change from within, communicate, dare devil, dark knight, darth vader, debt to mob, drug shootout, emotional weekend, end game, express yourself, facebook, fade to black, fake news, flaming hot cheetos, force to look, freddy krueger, freedom of speech, freezing in danger, game of thrones, gas cylinder, groups, guns, harvey dent situation, heard mentality, hero within, heroes journey, heroes of our own story, hope, i can't be a fire fighter, i need a lawyer, infinity wars, joker, jon snow, jordon peterson, killing joke, league of shadows, listens to shit, lithium batteries, lord of the rings, louis farrakhan, martial arts, marvel, milo yiannopoulos, monster within you, moose knuckle, ninja star, nun chuck, parents taken, parrot, seven realms, shot, shot in face, sleep ate, spoiler alert, star wars, struggle for control, struggle is a good thing, supreme ordeal, switch blades, token left, tom brady, tony stark, twitter, user acceptance agreement, warren buffet, wendy williams, white walkers, whitelisting, winking at a girl in the dark, wrestling, younger sister, zoo security guard
The crew talks about nunchucks, a bad ass parrot, AirPods, Facebook Censoring and
Archetypical Heroes. -
Episode 19: Fake Outrage
April 27th, 2019 | 54 mins 49 secs
500 humans, anal probing, ask not what your country can do for you, ass in the air, beta brain rays, black mirror, boy scout, buckaroo, chem trails, criminals, direct eye contact, ferme paradox, game of earth, green eye alien, hobbit, matrix, matrix reset, mrs. robinson, mummy captain, purgatory, pyramids, right to vote, royal rangers, sexual abuse, sexy alien, skeleton, student loans, taxi cab confessional, tokyo, transparency, turkey attack, turkey phobia, uber drivers getting lucky, uber rape, ufos, war on values, watch the world burn, yacht
The crew talks about a report that claims there have been 12000 cases of sexual abuse within the Boy Scouts. They also discuss governments role in the Student loan crisis.