We found 2 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “kim jong un”.
Episode 113: Trump vs Covid
October 5th, 2020 | 1 hr 42 mins
america, amy coney barret, antifa, basement biden, best country, biden, blm, border, chris wallace, christmas, cnn, covid, daenerys, debate, doctors, economy, gloom and doom, gop, james wood, kim jong un, lockdowns, melania, michael bay, michael crichton, middle east, peace, pernicious politics, plagues, polls, power, praetorian predators, protests and plandemics, proud boys, pyros, racist history, red october, tds, tik tok, trump, walter reed hospital, washington post
Pernicious Politics, Plagues, Pyros, Protests and Plandemics. Its all part of a plot to place praetorian predators in high positions of power.
We Proud Boys promise to perorate all that, but in no particular order, on this episode of The Saulty show. -
Episode 29: Betsy Ross vs Nike
July 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 10 mins
2 chicken wings, 3 fried cheese sticks, 3 month old pothole, african tribes enslaved other african tribes, ambulance, andy ngo, antifa, arizona streets, arkansas, attacked twice, be on a diet on your own time, betsy ross, black panthers, blu, brain hemorrhage, brick thrown at his head, broadway, bulling, cake, canceled goodyear factory, click bait, cnn, colin kaepernick, do you think i like skinny girls, doug ducey, extra fries, fake news, felony battery, fiat currency, first president in north korea, florida, forth hand smoke, fourth of july, frank, freddie kruger, fuck nike, gay asian reporter, go fund me, grow corns on my feet, i don't care, i know you are hungry, in your face racism, jussie smollett, kansas city streets, kim jong un, largest air force, little rock, malcom x, mama dee's, mcdonalds, milkshakes, minor food theft, most african slaves went to south america, my girlfriend is not hungry, nike, no safe spaces, order for her, order the wrong food, police told to stand down, portland mayor, potholes, quick dry cement, rand paul, rocket man, san francisco bans e-cigarettes, sanctions, second hand smoke, smoking, smoking a chimney, socialism just takes and takes and takes, sweet and sour packets, take it easy with the perfume, terrorist, the cucumber challenge, the proud boys, the rise of the kkk, the sand lot, they don't respect him, third hand smoke, tinder dates not eating, vegan milkshakes, we are out pf tide pods, we will never surrender for peace, what is up with florida, where is the right wing violence
The crew talks about fling sauce packets, fry stealing girlfriends, potholes, Antifa, Trump crossing the border and Nike being a bunch of bitches.