We found 10 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “twitter”.
Episode 220: Collusion and Corruption
March 11th, 2023 | 1 hr 12 mins
cia, collusion, corruption, democrats, elon musk, fbi, feds, fox news, insurrection, jacob chansley, january 6th, misinformation, news media, qanon shaman, rinos, tucker carlson, twitter, us capital
Did the News Media, Democrats and Government agencies collude to spread lies about the January 6th insurrection? New video evidence suggests the initial narrative has been false. Join the crew as we discuss this new era of corruption, misinformation, and the collusion that is taking place to manipulate public opinion.
Episode 208: The End of Affirmative Action
November 3rd, 2022 | 1 hr 14 mins
affirmative action, aoc, elon musk, harvard, racism, scotus, twitter
The crew reacts to Modern art, Elon's latest trolling of the Leftist Twittersphere, and the exchange between the conservative Supreme Court Justice's and the Harvard attorney defending the Affirmative Action case.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 181: Untamed
April 25th, 2022 | 1 hr 29 mins
1776, chris wallace, cnn+, disney, elon musk, florida, fox, insurrection, marjorie taylor greene, mask mandates, msnbc, mtg, netflix, obama, ron desantis, spotify, trump, twitter, untamed
CNN+ crashed and burned, Netflix loses millions, Disney gets owned by Florida, Spotify removes Obama's podcast, masks were ruled unlawful on public transportation, and Elon musk secures funding for twitter.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 180: Twitter Fingers
April 16th, 2022 | 1 hr 58 mins
54.20, biden, black supremacist, cats, check mate, children, china, constitutional carry, covid, dogs, elon, euthanize, free speeck, ghost guns, gun control, hazmat, health police, jeff bezos, lockdowns, mass-shooting, nyc, richest man, rise of the machines, sardines, shares, stock, subway, suicide, terror, town square, trump, tweets, twitter, yuan
If you thought the Left's meltdown when they were told they couldn't talk to 5-year-olds about their sex life was bad, wait until you hear how they reacted to the news that Elon Musk wanted to buy Twitter.
China starts a new wave of lockdowns, NYC has a mass shooting, and Biden pushes for more gun control.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 172: The Honkening
February 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 59 mins
andrew cuomo, anti-semetic, bbc, blm, brazil, brian stelter, canadian, capitalism, civil disobedience, cnn, conservatism, covid mandates, cuba, democrats, dumpster fire, facetime, freedom convoy, gadsden flag, gettr, gofundme, gun control, hitler, holocaust, hypocrisy, jeff zucker, jeffrey toobin, justin trudeau, leftist, legacy media, mainstream emdia, marxism, millions of deaths, misinformation, morality, nazis, ottawa, pandering, race, religious principles, revolution, rumble, telegram, televised, tik tok, truckers, twitter, tyrants, whatsapp, whoopi goldber, youtube
Have you heard of the Canadian Trucker convoy? It has caught the world's attention and we're here for it. The "fringe minority" is making their voices heard.
Also, the Legacy media continues its downward spiral this week. From Whoopi to Jeff Zucker. We'll fill you in on how the left is starting to eat their own.
Get woke and go broke folks. It's no joke.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 152: Diaz Canel Singao
July 20th, 2021 | 1 hr 31 mins
2000, agents of chaos, al gore, apple emoji, audit, biden, capitalism, castro, censorship, che guevara, civil war, communism, cuba, democrat, election, freedom, germany, insurrection, january 6th, libertad, psaki, republican, social media, sports illustrated, statesmanship, trans woman, twitter, vaccines, virus, whitehouse, wuhan
Leftist governments around the world are pushing their citizens to the brink of war as new lockdown mandates loom around the corner.
Díaz-Canel singao - Fuck the regiment. New reports coming out of Cuba. People are starting to fight back against the communist dictatorship.
Apple plans to roll out a new emoji. Their fight for social justice has taken on a new level of absurdity. -
Episode 151: RendeZook Politics
July 10th, 2021 | 1 hr 45 mins
4th of july, america, biology, censorship, class action lawsuit, communism, covid, defund the police, democrats, facebook, fbi, google, january 6th, jim acosta, lgbt, liberalism, manhattan da, marjorie taylor green, mayoral race, men, narrative, nationalized elections, nfl, nsa, nyc, pride month, ptsd, quang nguyen, revolution, secure election, senile joe, societal decay, spying, tech giants, temper tantrum, trump, tucker carlson, twitter, utopian, white supremacy, women
Social media censorship is ramping up just as Trump announced he was filing a class-action lawsuit against the tech giants. It's about to go down.
"Football is Gay" - that's an excerpt from the NFL's latest ad campaign that has left many to wonder if a grade school bully took over NFL's marketing team.
Also, a new covid variant coming from Canada. no, it's not the delta variant. They're calling it the C - Variant. C stands for communism; because never in the history of the free world have people been so willing and inviting towards totalitarianism in the name of health and safety.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 140: The Scapegoat
April 22nd, 2021 | 1 hr 28 mins
biden, big tech, blm, canada, china, cnn, deep state, defense, democrats, desantis, dr fauci, fbi, george floyd, guilty, insurrection, james o'keefe, jim jordan, judge, jury, lebron james, liz cheney, manslaughter, maxine waters, minnesota, mistrial, murder, passports, police, project veritas, putin, republicans, rino, russia, sequester, taiwan, trump, twitter, ukraine, us border, war monger
Abolishing the electoral college, packing the courts, disarming America, and more censorship; Just another week of the tyrannical left destroying America.
The Chauvin trial was this week but the mob is asking for another sacrificial scapegoat. The media complied and have now moved to defend a knife-wielding 16-year-old.
Is covid finally over? Let's check with Dr. Fauci. He seems to be upset that the Chauvin trial took him out of the limelight for a week.
All that and more. on this Episode of The Saulty Show
Episode 129: #NotMyPresident
January 25th, 2021 | 1 hr 46 mins
aoc, attack dog, butler, censorship, chris wallace, clinton, cnn, corn pop, demented biden, democrats, executive ordersmaga, fox, gaffe biden, hooker, hunger games, ice, illegal aliens, impeachment, inauguration day, incite erections, indict, jill biden, keystone, lady gaga, marines, mitch mcconnell, national guard, news media, pipeline, q, salute, soldiers, syria, troops, trump, twitter
On this episode of The Saulty Show
A demented man and a hooker walk into a bar... wait that was the inauguration.
The news media went from attack dog to lapdog. We'll explain how.
Biden plans to kill Trump's legacy by doing what? (drum roll) ...destroying jobs
So the Q theories crashed and burned, right? Seems like some out there didn’t get the memo. There are still rumors of shadow government and to continue to "trust the plan". The whole theory is running on fumes at this point. -
Episode 128: Run Hide Fight
January 18th, 2021 | 1 hr 58 mins
amlo, antifa, aoc, biden, big tech, blm, capital siege, christopher stanton georgia, clinton, cnn, conservative, daily wire, dan crenshaw, dc, deblasio, deep state, democrats, facebook, fbi, georgia, ghostbusters, government, hollywood, idaho, impeachment, inauguration, jack dorsey, jade sacker, january 6th, john sullivan, lemmings, meep meep, mexico, nazis, nick sandman, parler, poland, rudy giuliani, run hide fight, sinister, social media censorship, suicide, tds, terrorism, tik tok, trump, tucker carlson, twitter, uganda, wiley coyote, wuhan
The US House of Representatives impeached Trump…. And Trump's approval rating went up. Democrats are like Wiley Coyote never able to catch the roadrunner. Meep Meep!
More on the Capital siege from Jan 6th. New Evidence reveals there was a coordinated effort from leftists groups that instigated the riots. This was planned weeks in advance.
Social Media Censorship is not done. A bombshell video from a whistleblower reveals Jack Dorsey's sinister plans to remove conservatives from their platform.
Daily Wire is getting into the entertainment business. They release an awesome movie titled "Run Hide Fight". We give you our reviews.