We found 9 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “riots”.
Episode 163: White Tears
November 13th, 2021 | 1 hr 59 mins
4k, 5th amendment, admonish, aoc, ar15, beyond a reasonable doubt, biden, china, cod, corey chirafisi, criminal, defense, drew carey, drone, fbi, germany, gofundme, guns, jacob blake, january 6th, joseph rosenbaum, jude schroeder, kenosha, kyle rittenhouse, law enforcement, liberal, media, mike lindell, mistrial, murder, police, prejudice, prosecution, provocation, racist, resolution, riots, self-defense, streets, technology, thomas binger, tragedy, trees, tulsi gabbard, white supremacist, wisconsin, witness
The crew discusses the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
"We have created a system that puts a kid in the position of defending a city against the vermin of society, while grown men who swore oaths to serve and protect the public just stood idly by."
According to the left, some streets and trees in neighborhoods and cities are a product of white privilege.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 135: Woke Military
March 15th, 2021 | 1 hr 25 mins
2nd amendment, antifa, blm, border crisis, burning, catturd, diversity, enemies, equity, federal building, inclusion, invasion, jesus, mexican flag, military, peaceful, polo, protest, racism, racist, riots, us flag, western civilization, woke
More Federal buildings burning. But they were mostly peaceful so the media remained silent
The greatest military in history has gone Woke and it's enemies are salivating at an opportunity to defeat it.
Was Jesus Racist? according to leftists preachers, he was. The world is spiraling into idiocy.
All that and more, on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 127: Domestic Terrorism?
January 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 33 mins
1812, 1933, amazon, ashli babbitt, bay of pigs, biden, brave browser, breach, candace owens, capital, chrome, civil war, cnn, communism, dan crenshaw, democrat, duck duck go, election fraud, emergency broadcast system, evil, facebook, fcc, firefox, frankfurt germany, hate talk, hitler, instagram, italy, january 6th, judge, laura loomer, leonardo, lindsey graham, lock downs, loeffler, marco rubio, mike pence, millitary, mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, msnbc, nazis, parler, pravda, propaganda, purdue, reeducation camps, reichstag, republican, revolution, right wing, riots, social media, ss, trump, twitter, washington dc, wwii
On this episode of The Saulty Show:
Civil unrest continues to plague America and the left is clutching their pearls. They are beside themselves at the sight of domestic terrorism.
Apparently they forgot how they encouraged cities to burn last summer.
The crew reacts to the nonsense and the new push to censor conservatives. -
Episode 108: The Great Russian Setup
September 8th, 2020 | 2 hrs 17 mins
biden, blm, california, candace owens, cardib, covid, democrats, donald trump, edison, kavanaugh, kayleigh mcenany, kosovo, latrobe pa, leftist, nancy pelosi, nypd, pittsburgh, press secretary, richard grenelle, riots, rochester ny, rules for thee, russians, serbia, sociopaths, unemployment, vaccine
On this episode of The Saulty Show
This week Nancy pelosi got caught walking around looking like a wet mop while breaking her own laws. Leftist hypocrisy knows no bounds, folks.
Why is everything still shut down? Wasn't this to flatten the curve?? If this isn't proof that when you give government too much power they wont give it up easily.
And the Candace CardiB smackdown. The fight we didn’t know we wanted. -
Episode 104: C'Mon Man!
August 10th, 2020 | 1 hr 38 mins
biden, body cam, censorship, church service, cocaine, crime, cuomo, debates, democrats, diversity, dnc, executive orders, facebook, fall of the cabal, george floyd, grocery shopping, i cant breath, jennifer lawrence, latinos, lions hunting, men vs women, mental health, nyc, republicans, riots, save the children, social media, tax cuts, teen vogue, trump, twitter, walmart
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses:
The 2020 Debates may not happen? Biden feels confident that since he's leading by so much then its not worth debating trump.
Biden's growing pile of gaffes,
Social Media Censorship continues - this week facebook deleted one of Trump Team's posts.
Also, more Executive orders from Trump. For those of you that are making less than 100k you'll definitely like what he just signed. -
Episode 102: Social Media Censorship
July 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 42 mins
antifa, aurora colorado, austin, blm, christopher columbus, covid 19, deep state, dr fauci, facebook, frontline doctors, hollywood, hydroxychloroquine, instagram, lori lightfoot, paul galant, pedophilia, police, portland, purge, qanon, riots, robert davi, social media censorship, ted wheeler, teletubies, the dark knight, trump, twitter, violent protesters, wuhan virus, youtube
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the social media giants ongoing efforts to quell dissent. The conversation includes the BLM/Antifa riots and the Wuhan virus lies that purvey the news networks.
Episode 100: The Last Best Hope Of Earth
July 14th, 2020 | 1 hr 38 mins
cabinets, collectivism, columbus, communism, conservative, constitutional republic, cuban, envy, government, goya, hispanic, hysterical, latinos, liberal, marxism, maximo alvarez, media, michael knowles, nyc support police, peru, philosophy, pillows, police, power, puritan, q, qsentme, rabbit hole, red pilled, riots, roger stone, schoolroom, sex trafficking, sloth, social media, socialism, statues, the great awakening, tik tok, town square, useful idiots, wayfair
On this Episode of the Saulty Show the crew discuses the Goya hysteria, the rise of Socialism in America, and Wayfair Gate - the latest in the evidence that there is a well organized deep state involved in child sex trafficking.
Episode 97: The Saulty Awakening
June 29th, 2020 | 1 hr 19 mins
barron, china virus, conspiracy theories, covid19, devil worship, down the rabbit hole, george soros, hillary clinton, jfk, john podesta, k-pop, north korea, pedophilia, pizza gate, q, qanon, red pilled, riots, rockefeller, rothschild, royal family, sex trafficking, symbolism will be their downfall, trump, trust the plan, uk, wuhan virus, wwg1wga
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the Q phenomena that's sweeping the conservative right. Join the crew as we go down the rabbit hole of Conspiracy Theories. From pedophilia and devil worship to JFK and Time Travel.
Episode 95: The Woke Olympics
June 10th, 2020 | 1 hr 40 mins
2.5 million jobs. jobs not mobs, abolish the police, abraham lincoln, african scarves, antifa, asian, biden, black squares, blackout tuesday, blm, candace owens, chickens come home to roost, chinese virus, confessions, crips, defund the police, deleted emails, dr fauci, fentanyl, george floyd, george washington, gun, health experts, hillary clinton, jacob frey, keith ellison, kente, lapd, leftists, life of crime, london france brazil, long beach, mexican, minneapolis, new york times, obama, obamagate, pennsylvania, police reform, pregnant woman, racism, riots, scandal, shaun king, sobbing, spying, stock market, suicidal pacifism, ted cruz, tom wolf, virtue signaling escapades, white man, woke olympics
On this episode of The Saulty Show:
The more we learn about the Murder of George Floyd and of the organized riots taking place, the clearer it becomes that it is a farce and we're being lied to again.
And Just like the Chinese virus, it involves the same group of characters acting out the performance of a lifetime on the world stage.