We found 9 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “racist”.
Episode 163: White Tears
November 13th, 2021 | 1 hr 59 mins
4k, 5th amendment, admonish, aoc, ar15, beyond a reasonable doubt, biden, china, cod, corey chirafisi, criminal, defense, drew carey, drone, fbi, germany, gofundme, guns, jacob blake, january 6th, joseph rosenbaum, jude schroeder, kenosha, kyle rittenhouse, law enforcement, liberal, media, mike lindell, mistrial, murder, police, prejudice, prosecution, provocation, racist, resolution, riots, self-defense, streets, technology, thomas binger, tragedy, trees, tulsi gabbard, white supremacist, wisconsin, witness
The crew discusses the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
"We have created a system that puts a kid in the position of defending a city against the vermin of society, while grown men who swore oaths to serve and protect the public just stood idly by."
According to the left, some streets and trees in neighborhoods and cities are a product of white privilege.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 146: The Unraveling Narrative
May 29th, 2021 | 1 hr 30 mins
affidavits, assault weapons, atf, ballots, biden, biden fails, biden gaffes, blm, federal property, george floyd, georgia audit, independent commission, mail in, maximum security, misdemeanors, president, racist, the press, trespassing, washington dc, yankees
The mainstream media narrative is coming undone as more and more people are waking up to the lies they were sold.
Biden continues his gaffe tour. You won't believe what he said about the daughter of a veteran. He's doing more for the republican party than any of the republican politicians.
Also, it's Memorial Day weekend. Take a moment to honor the fallen and remember that freedom isn't free.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 135: Woke Military
March 15th, 2021 | 1 hr 25 mins
2nd amendment, antifa, blm, border crisis, burning, catturd, diversity, enemies, equity, federal building, inclusion, invasion, jesus, mexican flag, military, peaceful, polo, protest, racism, racist, riots, us flag, western civilization, woke
More Federal buildings burning. But they were mostly peaceful so the media remained silent
The greatest military in history has gone Woke and it's enemies are salivating at an opportunity to defeat it.
Was Jesus Racist? according to leftists preachers, he was. The world is spiraling into idiocy.
All that and more, on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 132: Cancún Cruz
February 20th, 2021 | 1 hr 16 mins
abortions, aoc, be a man, biden, blacks, cancer, cancun, china, chinese, coca cola, cultural norms, cuomo, democrats, fossil fuels, freezes, genocide, greta, hispanics, insurrection, investigative journalism, mainstream media, mob, nuclear energy, pipeline, presidents day, racist, rhianna, rush limbaugh, snow storms, ted cruz, texas, totalitarian, townhall, windmills
Texas freezes over, Ted Cruz goes to Cancún and the Mainstream Media blows a gasket. Greta Thuneburg's response to all of this is, "How Dare you"
Oh and Coca-Cola thinks you're too white.
All that and more, on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 112: The Final Stretch
September 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 41 mins
acb, adoption, amy coney barret, barbarians, biden, black america, brett kavanaugh, clarence thomas, clinton, conservative majority, coup detat, democrats republicans, djt, down syndrome, fbi, feminist, hunter biden, hysteria, jerry nadler, john durham, kermit meme, lies, plandemic, pooped his pants, pro life, racist, religition, russians, silent majority, social media, special needs, texts, the left, tik tok, trojan horse, trump fear mongering, trump taxes, us supreme court, vicious, violence
We are 36 days away from election night. Its the final stretch so hold on folks, we're in for a bumpy ride.
From Coup attempts to plandemics, from made up race wars to the great awakening - We'll cover all that and more on this episode of The Saulty show. -
Episode 105: Joe Blow
August 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 59 mins
911 ceremonies, arab, bahrain, bill deblasio, blacks, blm, cnn, community guidelines, covid, defund the police, democratic party, hillary clinton, israel, joe biden, jussie smollett, kamala harris, mail in ballots, mayor, middle east, msnbc, natgeo, nobel peace price, nybd, oman, palestinian, pba, peace, persian gulf, plandemic, protestors, racist, rape, san francisco, seattle, shadow banning, storm, tik tok, tulsi gabbard, uae, usps, vp, willie brown
On this episode of The Saulty Show
Joe Biden has made his VP pick and Trump couldn't be happier. The crew discusses what that means for the democratic party ticket.
Trump is not letting anything stop him from bringing more peace to the world. Big news from the middle east. UAE and Israel to sign peace agreement. And rumors of other countries to follow shortly
And the latest in the BLM riots and a status on the COVID Plandemic. -
Episode 101: Acts Of Kindness: Intentions vs Results
July 20th, 2020 | 1 hr 22 mins
antifa, bevelyn beatty, billionaires, black culture, blm, blood transfusion, captain america, cops, dead pool, echo chambers, facts, fake news, hot dogs, insufferable, jesus matters, journalism, keys to success, kindness, lunch, marxist, media, millionaires, minnesota, national museum of african american history and culture, nice gestures, nyc, operation paint drop, portland, rachel maddow, racial slurs, racist, refund the police, results, reverse aging, substitute teacher, the great awakening, the old guard, tik tok. intentions, trump
On This episode of the Saulty Show:
Random Acts of kindness for social media clout. More and more people doing good deeds to get followers.
What is White culture? Is there such a thing? Well a certain museum wants to make you aware of the signs of whiteness.
And more evidence that there is a Great Awakening happening in America these past few weeks. -
Episode 50: From My Cold, Dead Hands
September 15th, 2019 | 1 hr 27 mins
1st amendment, 2nd amendment, 9th district, abrams tank, adhd, ammunition, anti-immigration, anti-trust, ar15, ban straws, biden, breakfast, brick, burglar, california, ccw, china, cockroach, confiscate, debate, democratic, dentures, electoral college, epidemic, eye surgery, fatherless, fda, google treading, guns, infringed, iran, judges, lasik, law abiding citizen, marathon, medical care, medical research, missing women, needles, nightmare, nuclear deal, open borders, penis, pensions, plastic surgeons, poop, racist, red states, regulations, robert francis, search party, single motherhood, sleeping driver, solar system, spayed, squatty potty, suing google, sunlight, tesla, tourist, trade war, trumponomics, turning states, turnpike, univsion, uranus, vaping
The crew discusses clever marketing, planets, poop attacks, search parties, a cooking burglar, a sleeping driver, Democrats, gun rights and Iran.
Episode 37: The Infestation Proclamation
August 1st, 2019 | 1 hr 39 secs
$15 billion, 3 weeks without seeing a judge, a$ap rocky, al sharpton, ambulance chaser, angry latina girl, are you tired of winning, arkansas, austin, baltimore, baltimore sun, ben shapiro, bill clinton, chicago rat problem, cnn reporter, colorado, cracked tail light, curling, defending rats, dennys, donkey punch, dr drew, elijah cummings, fart, female black marine general, fifa, finland, flags, fox news, good fellas, guatemla, hillary clinton, i am gay and conservative, identity the problem, if you know how to use a broom, ihop, infested, kanye west, king face, liberty police, maxine waters, missouri, montaga, nancy pelosi, new olympic event, not assimilating, not florida, obama, over reaching, plea deal, public health crisis, puto, racist, reagan bush 84 hat, red sports drink, refugees, san antonio, santisis, scream out fagette, shitting in the ocean, skid row, soft bigotry of low expectations, sweden, swimming in shit, switzerland, teamster, they want to blame trump, to use it wisely, trump is getting shit done, turning point usa, typhus, viva la mexico, waka flocka, well played satan, wife carrying championship
The crew talks about automotive uses for sports drinks, farting criminals, wife carrying and rat infestations.