We found 3 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “justin trudeau”.
Episode 172: The Honkening
February 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 59 mins
andrew cuomo, anti-semetic, bbc, blm, brazil, brian stelter, canadian, capitalism, civil disobedience, cnn, conservatism, covid mandates, cuba, democrats, dumpster fire, facetime, freedom convoy, gadsden flag, gettr, gofundme, gun control, hitler, holocaust, hypocrisy, jeff zucker, jeffrey toobin, justin trudeau, leftist, legacy media, mainstream emdia, marxism, millions of deaths, misinformation, morality, nazis, ottawa, pandering, race, religious principles, revolution, rumble, telegram, televised, tik tok, truckers, twitter, tyrants, whatsapp, whoopi goldber, youtube
Have you heard of the Canadian Trucker convoy? It has caught the world's attention and we're here for it. The "fringe minority" is making their voices heard.
Also, the Legacy media continues its downward spiral this week. From Whoopi to Jeff Zucker. We'll fill you in on how the left is starting to eat their own.
Get woke and go broke folks. It's no joke.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 52: The Court Of Public Opinion
September 22nd, 2019 | 1 hr 13 mins
3rd world countries, abortion, al sharpton, australia, bill gates, blind, boobs, booger, border wall, breakfast club, bringing jobs back, camel, censorship, church shooting, congressional hearing, cultural appropriation, diabetes dog, genders, golden retriever, guatemala, justin trudeau, mexican candance owens, monkey, neck brace, piers morgan, pigeon, poop jogger, ptsd, robert francis, service dog, tea party, toilet, toilet paper, trump, white nationalism
The crew discusses the poop jogger, airport puppies, camels, pigeons, 911 calls, Justin Trudeau's Black Face, 100 genders, Mexican Independence day and Candace Owens.
Episode 46: Saulty U
September 1st, 2019 | 1 hr 1 min
13 eggs and cup of sperm, 75 mountain goats, a little hard work, after the storm the mayor declared that local park would require all of it's to repair the damage, all children are special, and we lost heidi, animal husbandry, ashley stclair, ban expulsion, barry goldwater, boys can go out and be boys, breast feeding in public, california, castration, castration fetish website, college homework assignment, continue to dumb down the public schools, danish pigs, dc draino, disruptive students, doctor eric, don't put your dick in crazy, don't touch my penis, don't want to hurt people's feelings, drive by guest, during the 9 11, emotions over anything, english class, exams attendance and grades, female teachers, fire department, gavin newsom, grew up religious, hatred of men, her vagina is like a tuna fish can, hey cut my balls off, hierarchal is bad, history is written by men, how did they get caught, i am paying you to teach me, i did not need that visual, i smell pig sperm, illegal pig semen, inclusive, it just want to see titties, it's kind of nuts, july 1st 2020, justin trudeau, kid playing the piano, lean on me, licking his dick, lowering the bar, lowering the standard so kids don’t feel left out, magnet schools, mansplaining, mantspreading, men have penis' women have vaginas, mountain goats addicted to human urine, natural salt licks, necessary competition, new york schools, no more logic to it, not teaching consequences, not the mama not the mama not the mama, phoenix airport, police force, problem child, replace the sexist language, rubber bands, see where you at, segregation, shampoo bottles, shithead parent makes a shithead kids, skinny white kid, snap fingers to clap, sociology, some minorities, somebody did somebody, something wrong with the school system, stay home and raise the children, that sentence is sexist, that’s a bad example, that’s cutting my balls off, the reason we have hell is because some women had her period and got upset, the sweet semen of baby jesus, they don’t like italians, this bitch isn't going to do shit for you, trump white voter, unfit to be president, we just need to stop disciplining students, we lost tim, why does it need to be manpower, women have not been in the work place, yodeling pig, you can't show your excellence
The crew discusses castration, pig semen, mountain goats, insemination,