We found 2 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “george orwell”.
Episode 182: The Thought Police
May 2nd, 2022 | 1 hr 34 mins
1984, alejandro mayorkas, biden, big brother, border crisis, cdc, dhs, disinformation governance board, drug cartel, dystopian, freedom is slavery, george orwell, human smuggling, ignorance is strength, mary poppins, ministry of propaganda, ministry of truth, nina jankowicz, orwellian, ron desantis, section 230, sex trafficking, stay at home wife, terrorists, war is peace, winston smith
1984 is no longer a novel warning us about a possible dystopian future. It is here. And it's become the "how-to" book for those who are consumed by an evil desire for mass manipulation, and control over human speech and expression.
Episode 145: True Conspiracy
May 25th, 2021 | 54 mins 44 secs
1984, 2019, babylon bee, biden, canada, censored, china, connecticut, conspiracy, covid-19, democrat, dull, experts, facebook, fact-checkers, fauci, gender dysphoria, george orwell, governor whitmore, hypocrisy, insurrection, jewish, msm, nazi, new london, nih, obama, palestine, project veritas, race riots, rand paul, regretful biden voters, republica, scientific consensus, shaking hands, social media, speech, ufo, uncharismatic, us coast guard academy, virology lab, white supremacy, wuhan virus
The conspiracy theorists were right again. As the grey clouds of the Covid hysteria clear away, the truth is revealed. Rumors of China developing the virus as a form of Biological weapon.
Biden continues his gaffe tour this week. we'll share the Baffoon-in-Chiefs latest stumbles.All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show