We found 10 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “facebook”.
Episode 167: The Metaverse
December 19th, 2021 | 2 hrs 11 mins
ai, amazon, art, augmented reality, avatar, biden, charlie brown, christmas, covid, crypto, data mining, facebook, fantasy, filters, google, kamala, lizard boy, matrix, metaverse, minority report, monetize, natural, neuralink, nft, outfit, red pill, screen, socialist utopia, trump, tyrants, virtual office, virtual reality, woke, zoom
What is the Metaverse? From avatars and virtual worlds to thought-police and totalitarianism; Join the crew as we discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly on Silicon valley's latest push towards the dystopian future we've all been warned about.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 151: RendeZook Politics
July 10th, 2021 | 1 hr 45 mins
4th of july, america, biology, censorship, class action lawsuit, communism, covid, defund the police, democrats, facebook, fbi, google, january 6th, jim acosta, lgbt, liberalism, manhattan da, marjorie taylor green, mayoral race, men, narrative, nationalized elections, nfl, nsa, nyc, pride month, ptsd, quang nguyen, revolution, secure election, senile joe, societal decay, spying, tech giants, temper tantrum, trump, tucker carlson, twitter, utopian, white supremacy, women
Social media censorship is ramping up just as Trump announced he was filing a class-action lawsuit against the tech giants. It's about to go down.
"Football is Gay" - that's an excerpt from the NFL's latest ad campaign that has left many to wonder if a grade school bully took over NFL's marketing team.
Also, a new covid variant coming from Canada. no, it's not the delta variant. They're calling it the C - Variant. C stands for communism; because never in the history of the free world have people been so willing and inviting towards totalitarianism in the name of health and safety.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 145: True Conspiracy
May 25th, 2021 | 54 mins 44 secs
1984, 2019, babylon bee, biden, canada, censored, china, connecticut, conspiracy, covid-19, democrat, dull, experts, facebook, fact-checkers, fauci, gender dysphoria, george orwell, governor whitmore, hypocrisy, insurrection, jewish, msm, nazi, new london, nih, obama, palestine, project veritas, race riots, rand paul, regretful biden voters, republica, scientific consensus, shaking hands, social media, speech, ufo, uncharismatic, us coast guard academy, virology lab, white supremacy, wuhan virus
The conspiracy theorists were right again. As the grey clouds of the Covid hysteria clear away, the truth is revealed. Rumors of China developing the virus as a form of Biological weapon.
Biden continues his gaffe tour this week. we'll share the Baffoon-in-Chiefs latest stumbles.All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show
Episode 138: Si Se Pandering
April 3rd, 2021 | 1 hr 51 mins
ahmaud arbery, ar15, attack, bad romance, biden, black supremacist, boycott, candace owens, cnn, delta, democrats, derek chauvin, east german secret police, election, facebook, faucci, george floyd, georgia, human trafficking, ilhan omar, jogger, leanna wen, louis farrakhan, matt gaetz, megan mccain, mlb, noah green, pandemic, police officer, republicans, rino, ron desantis, si se puede, smugglers, stasi, stubborn facts, tax breaks, us capital, vaccine passport, washington dc
White supremacist attacks nations capital and ....wait what? it wasn't a white supremacist? Nevermind, folks. Nothing to see here, move along.
The hysteria Du Jour: Matt Gaetz in a sex scandal. or is he? The left may have deployed an old tactic to set him up.
The leftist narrative is coming undone at the seams, and it's glorious to watch.
"Si se pwadueh!" means Si se pandering for the modern leftist.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 128: Run Hide Fight
January 18th, 2021 | 1 hr 58 mins
amlo, antifa, aoc, biden, big tech, blm, capital siege, christopher stanton georgia, clinton, cnn, conservative, daily wire, dan crenshaw, dc, deblasio, deep state, democrats, facebook, fbi, georgia, ghostbusters, government, hollywood, idaho, impeachment, inauguration, jack dorsey, jade sacker, january 6th, john sullivan, lemmings, meep meep, mexico, nazis, nick sandman, parler, poland, rudy giuliani, run hide fight, sinister, social media censorship, suicide, tds, terrorism, tik tok, trump, tucker carlson, twitter, uganda, wiley coyote, wuhan
The US House of Representatives impeached Trump…. And Trump's approval rating went up. Democrats are like Wiley Coyote never able to catch the roadrunner. Meep Meep!
More on the Capital siege from Jan 6th. New Evidence reveals there was a coordinated effort from leftists groups that instigated the riots. This was planned weeks in advance.
Social Media Censorship is not done. A bombshell video from a whistleblower reveals Jack Dorsey's sinister plans to remove conservatives from their platform.
Daily Wire is getting into the entertainment business. They release an awesome movie titled "Run Hide Fight". We give you our reviews.
Episode 127: Domestic Terrorism?
January 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 33 mins
1812, 1933, amazon, ashli babbitt, bay of pigs, biden, brave browser, breach, candace owens, capital, chrome, civil war, cnn, communism, dan crenshaw, democrat, duck duck go, election fraud, emergency broadcast system, evil, facebook, fcc, firefox, frankfurt germany, hate talk, hitler, instagram, italy, january 6th, judge, laura loomer, leonardo, lindsey graham, lock downs, loeffler, marco rubio, mike pence, millitary, mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, msnbc, nazis, parler, pravda, propaganda, purdue, reeducation camps, reichstag, republican, revolution, right wing, riots, social media, ss, trump, twitter, washington dc, wwii
On this episode of The Saulty Show:
Civil unrest continues to plague America and the left is clutching their pearls. They are beside themselves at the sight of domestic terrorism.
Apparently they forgot how they encouraged cities to burn last summer.
The crew reacts to the nonsense and the new push to censor conservatives. -
Episode 117: We Have A Country To Save
November 2nd, 2020 | 2 hrs 23 mins
amish, amy coney barret, az, blacks, boston herald, bueller, butler, communism, conservative, covid, democrat, elections, facebook, fbi, gays, george, germany, gestapo, gov walz, healthcare, hispanics, hunter, jack dorsey, jewish, joe, kavanaugh, keith ellison, lady gaga, lil wayne, native american, new york post, nyc, obama, pennsylvania, polls, republican, rules for radicals, social media censorship, socialist, ted cruz, teleprompter, tik tok, trump, tunechi, twitter, vietnamese, zuckerbeg
On This Episode of the Saulty Show
Social Media Censorship is in full swing. Cruz vs Jack Dorsey - The smackdown we didn't know we needed.
Also, more Hunter Biden corruption news. Does Hunter hate Joe?
The Trump train is picking up steam as the polls start to "mysteriously" correct themselves.
And does anyone know what Biden is talking about? -
Episode 111: SCOTUS Dilemma
September 21st, 2020 | 1 hr 54 mins
2020, algorithm, amy coney barrett, antonin scalia, blm, bush, chuck schumer, democrats, despacito, elton john, english, facebook, filibuster, harry reid, joe biden, karma, kavanaugh, kissimmee, lisa murkowski, marrick garland, mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, netflix, obama, pizzagate, propaganda, proverbs, rbg, republicans, roe v wade, ruth bader ginsburg, scotus, social dilemma, supreme court justice, susan collins, technology, tik tok, tiny dancer, trump
On this episode of The Saulty Show
Wow. What a roller coaster week this has been. 2020, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg Died over the weekend. May she rest in peace.
It has set the stage for possibly one of the biggest fights for a seat to the Supreme court.Joe Biden - left his basement again. This time to make an appearance for Hispanic Pandering Month.
Also, we'll talk about Netflix's new propaganda film called Social Dilemma. They cover the addictive qualities of social media.
Episode 104: C'Mon Man!
August 10th, 2020 | 1 hr 38 mins
biden, body cam, censorship, church service, cocaine, crime, cuomo, debates, democrats, diversity, dnc, executive orders, facebook, fall of the cabal, george floyd, grocery shopping, i cant breath, jennifer lawrence, latinos, lions hunting, men vs women, mental health, nyc, republicans, riots, save the children, social media, tax cuts, teen vogue, trump, twitter, walmart
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses:
The 2020 Debates may not happen? Biden feels confident that since he's leading by so much then its not worth debating trump.
Biden's growing pile of gaffes,
Social Media Censorship continues - this week facebook deleted one of Trump Team's posts.
Also, more Executive orders from Trump. For those of you that are making less than 100k you'll definitely like what he just signed. -
Episode 102: Social Media Censorship
July 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 42 mins
antifa, aurora colorado, austin, blm, christopher columbus, covid 19, deep state, dr fauci, facebook, frontline doctors, hollywood, hydroxychloroquine, instagram, lori lightfoot, paul galant, pedophilia, police, portland, purge, qanon, riots, robert davi, social media censorship, ted wheeler, teletubies, the dark knight, trump, twitter, violent protesters, wuhan virus, youtube
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the social media giants ongoing efforts to quell dissent. The conversation includes the BLM/Antifa riots and the Wuhan virus lies that purvey the news networks.