We found 2 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “dystopian”.
Episode 182: The Thought Police
May 2nd, 2022 | 1 hr 34 mins
1984, alejandro mayorkas, biden, big brother, border crisis, cdc, dhs, disinformation governance board, drug cartel, dystopian, freedom is slavery, george orwell, human smuggling, ignorance is strength, mary poppins, ministry of propaganda, ministry of truth, nina jankowicz, orwellian, ron desantis, section 230, sex trafficking, stay at home wife, terrorists, war is peace, winston smith
1984 is no longer a novel warning us about a possible dystopian future. It is here. And it's become the "how-to" book for those who are consumed by an evil desire for mass manipulation, and control over human speech and expression.
Episode 85: Hysteria Peddlers
March 27th, 2020 | 1 hr 24 mins
2 trillion, airport, america, charlatans, charlotte, chloroquine, churches, cnn, coronavirus, coughs, covid19, dan crenshaw, death rate, democrats, doug ducey, dystopian, easter sunday, fake crisis, fake reporters, haaretz, history, hysteria, illegals, israeli scientist, malaria, nashville, nevada, npr, optimistic, peddlers, pittsburgh, police state, quarantine, ralph northam, restrictions, ridiculous media, sleepy joe, trump, tyrants, water into wine, woke
On this episode of The Saulty Show, the crew talks about road rage, empty airports and a dystopian future that awaits us if the quarantine doesn't end soon.