We found 10 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “america”.
Episode 110: Nobel Peace Prize President
September 14th, 2020 | 1 hr 52 mins
america, apocalyptic, ballot, biden, big purge, burger king, california, canada, celebrities, cnn, conservative, corn pop, cuties, democrats, doj, due diligence, exploitation, fire tornado, fires, gavin newsom, gop, happy meal, hawaii, hell, hillary, kissing, kleenex, liberal pedophilia, love conquers all, michigan, netflix, nevada, nobel peace prize, november, obama, oracle, orange skies, red wave coming, republican, ronald mcdonald, san francisco, ted cruz, thomas paine, tik tok, trans, trump, wank, whopper
Trump gets another Nobel Peace prize nomination and as predicted, the left now wants to end it.
If Democrats don't get their act together, they're gonna have to start hoarding Kleenex boxes instead of mail in ballots for November. Red Wave coming.
The big purge is here. More and More Celebrities and former government officials are deleting phone records and their twitter history to avoid justice. What are they hiding? But thank God the internet is forever.
Episode 87: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
April 8th, 2020 | 1 hr 35 mins
3rd world, america, april fools, archetypical hero, australia, biden, big government, bill of rights, bill withers, callousness, caregivers, consequences, conservatives, constitution, coronavirus, covid19, cuba, cuomo, democrats, evil, farm girl, florida, fredo, google, gorruption, h1n1, health, impeached, jobs, joe rogan, liberals, masks, mike lindell, mypillow, nancy pelosi, new jersey, pastor, patrick henry, republicans, ridiculed, russian collusion, small business, suffering, sympathy whores, trump, unemployment, virginia, virus, walmart, wisconsin, woke health organization, wuhan
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the price that has been paid to fight the hysteria of COVID19. Was it all Worth it?
Episode 85: Hysteria Peddlers
March 27th, 2020 | 1 hr 24 mins
2 trillion, airport, america, charlatans, charlotte, chloroquine, churches, cnn, coronavirus, coughs, covid19, dan crenshaw, death rate, democrats, doug ducey, dystopian, easter sunday, fake crisis, fake reporters, haaretz, history, hysteria, illegals, israeli scientist, malaria, nashville, nevada, npr, optimistic, peddlers, pittsburgh, police state, quarantine, ralph northam, restrictions, ridiculous media, sleepy joe, trump, tyrants, water into wine, woke
On this episode of The Saulty Show, the crew talks about road rage, empty airports and a dystopian future that awaits us if the quarantine doesn't end soon.