We found 2 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “september 11”.
Episode 158: F*ck Joe Biden
September 13th, 2021 | 1 hr 32 mins
biden, china, communism, congress, covid, evil, exempt, far-right, fjb, flight 93, george bush, islamic terrorist, larry elder, mandates, never forget, new world order, new york, north korea, nyc, obama, rose mcgowan, russia, september 11, shanksville, superpower, terrorism, trump won, tyranny, we forgot
On this episode of The Saulty Show, the crew is back to politics! Join us as we discuss the latest on the tyrannical mandates, the Afghanistan debacle, and Biden's popularity across the nation. 80 Million votes?
Episode 109: Hollywood & Pedophilia
September 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 22 mins
911, abc, blm, cancel netflix, cbs, chicago, cnn, covid, cuties, democrats, federal court, football, hoax, hollywood, lilo, looney toons, media, michigan, nancy pelosi, nobel peace prize, pandemic, peace in the middle east, pedophilia, period, pizza, pizzagate, plandemic, road runner, saints, san francisco, scandal, september 11, soros, stitch, symbolism, trump, twitter, wicked, wile e coyte, woman, woodward
On this episode of The Saulty Show
CancelNetflix was trending on twitter and you need to know why. There is a concerted effort by Hollywood to normalize pedophelia and its time to take a stand.
Also the media has moved on to the latest hoax - this time it's "Trump downplayed covid". In February he was out in San Francisco telling people there was nothing to worry about and to go to Chinatown. Oh wait - That was Nancy Pelosi?
Also, this week is the memory of September 11 and we must never forget.