We found 3 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “russians”.
Episode 119: Constitutional Crisis
November 16th, 2020 | 1 hr 56 mins
america, betrayal, biden, blockbuster, chicago, civil war, cnn, cocaine, concede, congress, constitutional crisis, covid, democrat, dominion, election, electors, exodus, fox news, georgia, germany, hugo chavez, kraken, lawlessnes, lawsuit, lin wood, midwest, mike pence, million maga march, nancy pelosi, nazis, new york, nick sandman, nostalgia, obama, oregon, pennsylvania, plastic straws, pornhub, propaganda, republican, rudy giuliani, russians, scotus, senate, sidney powell, supreme court, trump, unity, us army, whoopi, wisconsin
On this episode of The Saulty Show:
Liberal Logic run amok; Cocaine is now legal to snort in Oregon but the plastic straws to snort it with aren’t.
Also, as the world waits for the US election results, America prepares for Civil war.
The Million Maga March drew "hundreds" according to Politico.com but pictures don't lie. If they lie about this they lie about everything. -
Episode 112: The Final Stretch
September 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 41 mins
acb, adoption, amy coney barret, barbarians, biden, black america, brett kavanaugh, clarence thomas, clinton, conservative majority, coup detat, democrats republicans, djt, down syndrome, fbi, feminist, hunter biden, hysteria, jerry nadler, john durham, kermit meme, lies, plandemic, pooped his pants, pro life, racist, religition, russians, silent majority, social media, special needs, texts, the left, tik tok, trojan horse, trump fear mongering, trump taxes, us supreme court, vicious, violence
We are 36 days away from election night. Its the final stretch so hold on folks, we're in for a bumpy ride.
From Coup attempts to plandemics, from made up race wars to the great awakening - We'll cover all that and more on this episode of The Saulty show. -
Episode 108: The Great Russian Setup
September 8th, 2020 | 2 hrs 17 mins
biden, blm, california, candace owens, cardib, covid, democrats, donald trump, edison, kavanaugh, kayleigh mcenany, kosovo, latrobe pa, leftist, nancy pelosi, nypd, pittsburgh, press secretary, richard grenelle, riots, rochester ny, rules for thee, russians, serbia, sociopaths, unemployment, vaccine
On this episode of The Saulty Show
This week Nancy pelosi got caught walking around looking like a wet mop while breaking her own laws. Leftist hypocrisy knows no bounds, folks.
Why is everything still shut down? Wasn't this to flatten the curve?? If this isn't proof that when you give government too much power they wont give it up easily.
And the Candace CardiB smackdown. The fight we didn’t know we wanted.