We found 1 episode of The Saulty Show with the tag “racist history”.
Episode 113: Trump vs Covid
October 5th, 2020 | 1 hr 42 mins
america, amy coney barret, antifa, basement biden, best country, biden, blm, border, chris wallace, christmas, cnn, covid, daenerys, debate, doctors, economy, gloom and doom, gop, james wood, kim jong un, lockdowns, melania, michael bay, michael crichton, middle east, peace, pernicious politics, plagues, polls, power, praetorian predators, protests and plandemics, proud boys, pyros, racist history, red october, tds, tik tok, trump, walter reed hospital, washington post
Pernicious Politics, Plagues, Pyros, Protests and Plandemics. Its all part of a plot to place praetorian predators in high positions of power.
We Proud Boys promise to perorate all that, but in no particular order, on this episode of The Saulty show.