We found 4 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “plandemic”.
Episode 112: The Final Stretch
September 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 41 mins
acb, adoption, amy coney barret, barbarians, biden, black america, brett kavanaugh, clarence thomas, clinton, conservative majority, coup detat, democrats republicans, djt, down syndrome, fbi, feminist, hunter biden, hysteria, jerry nadler, john durham, kermit meme, lies, plandemic, pooped his pants, pro life, racist, religition, russians, silent majority, social media, special needs, texts, the left, tik tok, trojan horse, trump fear mongering, trump taxes, us supreme court, vicious, violence
We are 36 days away from election night. Its the final stretch so hold on folks, we're in for a bumpy ride.
From Coup attempts to plandemics, from made up race wars to the great awakening - We'll cover all that and more on this episode of The Saulty show. -
Episode 109: Hollywood & Pedophilia
September 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 22 mins
911, abc, blm, cancel netflix, cbs, chicago, cnn, covid, cuties, democrats, federal court, football, hoax, hollywood, lilo, looney toons, media, michigan, nancy pelosi, nobel peace prize, pandemic, peace in the middle east, pedophilia, period, pizza, pizzagate, plandemic, road runner, saints, san francisco, scandal, september 11, soros, stitch, symbolism, trump, twitter, wicked, wile e coyte, woman, woodward
On this episode of The Saulty Show
CancelNetflix was trending on twitter and you need to know why. There is a concerted effort by Hollywood to normalize pedophelia and its time to take a stand.
Also the media has moved on to the latest hoax - this time it's "Trump downplayed covid". In February he was out in San Francisco telling people there was nothing to worry about and to go to Chinatown. Oh wait - That was Nancy Pelosi?
Also, this week is the memory of September 11 and we must never forget. -
Episode 105: Joe Blow
August 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 59 mins
911 ceremonies, arab, bahrain, bill deblasio, blacks, blm, cnn, community guidelines, covid, defund the police, democratic party, hillary clinton, israel, joe biden, jussie smollett, kamala harris, mail in ballots, mayor, middle east, msnbc, natgeo, nobel peace price, nybd, oman, palestinian, pba, peace, persian gulf, plandemic, protestors, racist, rape, san francisco, seattle, shadow banning, storm, tik tok, tulsi gabbard, uae, usps, vp, willie brown
On this episode of The Saulty Show
Joe Biden has made his VP pick and Trump couldn't be happier. The crew discusses what that means for the democratic party ticket.
Trump is not letting anything stop him from bringing more peace to the world. Big news from the middle east. UAE and Israel to sign peace agreement. And rumors of other countries to follow shortly
And the latest in the BLM riots and a status on the COVID Plandemic. -
Episode 103: The Great Awakening
August 3rd, 2020 | 1 hr 52 mins
antifa, austin, az, bill clinton, bill gates, blm, bytedance, california, canada, china, christians, cnn, colorado city, corona virus, covid 19, dc mayor, dr fauci, epstein, eulogy, funeral, germany, google, hollywood, huawei, hydroxy chloroquine, john lewis, microsoft, neo nazis, nyc, nyt, obama, pedophiles, plandemic, save the children, sweden, texas, tik tok, trump, vaccination, walkaway, weasel, wwg1wga, zte
On this episode of The Saulty show:
Save the Children demonstrations across the country. The Great awakening has gone mainstream.
Covid Hysteria - Fauci goes to Congress.
And the Tik Tok Turmoil - The saga continues. Will it stay or will it go?