We found 6 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “pandemic”.
Episode 153: We're Working Here!
July 27th, 2021 | 1 hr 27 mins
are you not entertained, arizona, brits, communist, critical race theory, crt, democrats, dr fauci, england, fly, free palestine, gop, hasbro, january 6th, joe biden, kelly townsend, lockdowns, nationalism, obama, ox, pandemic, patriotism, republicans, ronna romney mcdaniels, socialist, stop asian hate, suicide, summer olympics, trump, unvaccinated
Hasbro thinks your 2-year-old is racist. The leftist, Marxist agenda has sunken its claws deep into corporate America as woke culture claims another one.
This weekend was Opening Day for the Woke summer Olympics and no one was watching. For the first time in 50 years, the USA won no medals on opening day.
There is a great purge taking place within the republican party and it's beautiful to watch. It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff. -
Episode 138: Si Se Pandering
April 3rd, 2021 | 1 hr 51 mins
ahmaud arbery, ar15, attack, bad romance, biden, black supremacist, boycott, candace owens, cnn, delta, democrats, derek chauvin, east german secret police, election, facebook, faucci, george floyd, georgia, human trafficking, ilhan omar, jogger, leanna wen, louis farrakhan, matt gaetz, megan mccain, mlb, noah green, pandemic, police officer, republicans, rino, ron desantis, si se puede, smugglers, stasi, stubborn facts, tax breaks, us capital, vaccine passport, washington dc
White supremacist attacks nations capital and ....wait what? it wasn't a white supremacist? Nevermind, folks. Nothing to see here, move along.
The hysteria Du Jour: Matt Gaetz in a sex scandal. or is he? The left may have deployed an old tactic to set him up.
The leftist narrative is coming undone at the seams, and it's glorious to watch.
"Si se pwadueh!" means Si se pandering for the modern leftist.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 109: Hollywood & Pedophilia
September 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 22 mins
911, abc, blm, cancel netflix, cbs, chicago, cnn, covid, cuties, democrats, federal court, football, hoax, hollywood, lilo, looney toons, media, michigan, nancy pelosi, nobel peace prize, pandemic, peace in the middle east, pedophilia, period, pizza, pizzagate, plandemic, road runner, saints, san francisco, scandal, september 11, soros, stitch, symbolism, trump, twitter, wicked, wile e coyte, woman, woodward
On this episode of The Saulty Show
CancelNetflix was trending on twitter and you need to know why. There is a concerted effort by Hollywood to normalize pedophelia and its time to take a stand.
Also the media has moved on to the latest hoax - this time it's "Trump downplayed covid". In February he was out in San Francisco telling people there was nothing to worry about and to go to Chinatown. Oh wait - That was Nancy Pelosi?
Also, this week is the memory of September 11 and we must never forget. -
Episode 90: The Modern Sacred Cows: Health and Science
May 4th, 2020 | 1 hr 4 mins
canary in the coal mine, chicago, choreographed dance, data models, de blasio, deep state, doj, epidemiologists, face mask, fbi, fortune tellers, frauds, free society, freeloaders, gavin newsome, genocide, hand readers, hand sanitizer, hoax, honest living, hypochondriacs, jobless claims, lazy, modern times, nurses, nyc, obama, oregon, pandemic, parasitic citizens, pro deathers, project veritas, psychics, science deniers, scorpion, tik tok, totalitarian state, trump, tyrannical, weeds, whitmer, william bar
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the ongoing hysteria over Covid19 and the ramifications of a police state.
Episode 84: The Panic Is The Crisis
March 23rd, 2020 | 1 hr 15 mins
arch nemesis, california, calm down, casinos, chic fil a, china, chloroquine, clinical trials, closing la, closing nyc, closing restaurants, cnn, conspiracy theory, coronavirus, covid19, crisis, democrats, dr fauci, economy, epidemic, fake hysteria, fake news, fda, france, healthcare system, ilhan omar, illegals, in vitro, laura ingraham, liars, lockdown, malaria, media, medicine, pandemic, panic, philadelphia, purveyors of incompetency, russian collusion, sanjay gupta, silver linings, southern border, tax day, toilet paper, trump, virus
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the ongoing panic being propagated by the media. Saul believes it's time for civil disobedience.
Episode 76: Coronavirus: Hysteria du jour
March 3rd, 2020 | 2 hrs 13 mins
alejandra ocasio-cortez, alice marie johnson, angela stanton king, anthony fauci, aps, basket, biden, black history month, border, buttigieg, communism, coronavirus, cpac2020, cubans, don mcgahn, dual citizenship, eggs, election, flu, flynn, france, greece, immigration, italy, latinos for trump, migrate, nuclear plant, obamas, pandemic, poland, president, primary, refugees, russia, sammy’s mexican grill, science fair project, socialism, solar energy, solar panels, south carolina, steyer, tailban, tennis, trump, trump2020, turkey, ukraine, wall, white house
On this Episode: South Carolina Primaries, Coronavirus, Peace in Afghanistan and more.