We found 3 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “online dating”.
Episode 155: Where Did All The Good Men Go?
August 16th, 2021 | 1 hr 57 mins
bumble, cast a net, cesspool, give me liberty or give me death, grass is greener, housewife, jon snow, leadership, marriage, men, narcissism, neglect, online dating, power, prolonged maturity, relinquished responsibility, sexes, truths, what women want, women, workforce
On this episode of The Saulty Show, the crew continues the conversation from the previous episode: The change in the role of the sexes in the modern age.
Episode 68: A Saulty Anniversary
December 29th, 2019 | 1 hr 46 mins
air bnb, airplanes, amazon prime, antifa, arab spring, bad with money, band of brothers, bea arthur socks, bill gates, billionaires create jobs, bitcoin, bloomberg, boys in the hood, brett kavanaugh, canadian broadcasting corporation, carvana, chemical explosion, chernobyl, cold war, communism, concentration camps, democratic debate, dresden, drones, e-harmony, einstein, elon musk, facebook, fat man and little boy, fisa court, flying car, flying spaghetti monster, full year of podcasting, hbo, healthcare, helicopter, highlights, holocaust, home alone 2, hospital, human experiments, hunter biden, illinois, injecting feces, invade japan, jeffrey epstein, joe biden, john goodman, john mccain, john singleton, kamikaze, lowlights, match, medical coding, michael moore, mri, nasdaq 9000, new decade, nuclear weapons, online dating, pacific ocean, pittsburgh, quad-copters, rbmk reactor, roosevelt, rosem morton, sandy hook, send her back, slapping contest, slowest recovery, smartphones, solar city, space-x, squad of rejects, star wars, telsa, truman, trump cameo, trump derangement syndrome, tyrannical government, uber, uranium waste, valkyrie, vampire apocalypse, vita coco and urine, world war ii, ¼ of the worlds gdp
The crew talks about a year of extremes, Trump Derangement Syndrome, bad mothers, Highlights, Low lights, and the future of technology, the economy, government corruption, World War II, Chernobyl and the top 15 news stories of 2019.
Episode 22: Unconditional Sex Strike
May 18th, 2019 | 1 hr 34 secs
#gotstrike, #sexstrike, 1650 likes, 2 tivos and square footage, 90210, abstinence, alyssa milano, another spoiler, arkansas, bananananana, banjo, beautiful people, burlesque, california sucks, candace owens, catfishing, colin kaepernick, conditional love, dating, deep sigh, enabler, escalated quickly, fat ugly chick, fayetteville, forged signatures, gender swap app, georgia abortion law, get a job, hbo, he is not bad a looking girl, hot dad, hunger strike, i like sex, india, jail break, jennifer, jess, let them fail, life support, living together, love and acceptance, love for star wars, love me at my worst, luke perry, marylyn monroe, metal carpet monkey, metal head, norway, not today satan, online dating, philippians, polish, push them out, remake season 8, roommates, roundabout, russia, scare, selfless to a point, shannen doherty, sheriff, showtime, starz, stupid dog, suck on society, sweden, tinder, twinkies, uk, unconditional hatred, unconditional love, unhealthy love, useless boyfriends, ventura, what is love
The crew talks about a paper work jail break, gender swapping apps, hashtag stupidity and conditions of love.