We found 3 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “new jersey”.
Episode 162: Red Wave
November 6th, 2021 | 1 hr 39 mins
brandon, chris hurst, cnn, colin kaepernick, colorado, conservative, crt, democrats, desantis, fauci, glenn youngkin, iowa, joe rogan, john lujan, liberal, loudin county, massachusetts, microsoft, new hampshire, new jersey, nfl, nyc, pa supreme court, project veritas, red tsunami, sanjay gupta, seattle, suburban soccer moms, terry mcauliffe, texas, winsome sears, woman
The crew is back! and a lot has happened since we've been out.
Join us as we discuss the results of this week's elections across the country. The Democrats got clobbered across the board as they were hit by a red tsunami of voters.
Also, Microsoft's latest town hall has left many scratching their head in confusion at their latest attempt to appease woke culture.
In the arena of the Oppression Olympics, victimhood is currency, and gender pronouns are a mass-produced commodity.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 149: Truth Is A Menace
June 22nd, 2021 | 1 hr 22 mins
1983, biden, blm, chicago, china, cnn, declaration of independence, democrats, fbi, fisa, foia, geneva, hoax, insurrection, january 6th, jon stewart, juneteenth, liberalism is a mental disorder, liz cheney, mao, michael flynn, new jersey, new york city, oppression olypmics, putin, republicans, romney, russia, scandal, susan rosenberg, switzerland, teachers, trump, tucker carlson, united states, us capital, white supremacy
Imagine if you will, a world where every post, tweet, and meme are fact-checked. But not election votes.
Imagine a world where the party that voted for a candidate that told black people they'd be, "back in chains" if they didn't support his ideas is now being celebrated for signing into law a holiday that commemorates the liberation of the very slaves they fought so hard to keep.
You are entering a world where logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
You, my friend, are in the twilight zone.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 87: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
April 8th, 2020 | 1 hr 35 mins
3rd world, america, april fools, archetypical hero, australia, biden, big government, bill of rights, bill withers, callousness, caregivers, consequences, conservatives, constitution, coronavirus, covid19, cuba, cuomo, democrats, evil, farm girl, florida, fredo, google, gorruption, h1n1, health, impeached, jobs, joe rogan, liberals, masks, mike lindell, mypillow, nancy pelosi, new jersey, pastor, patrick henry, republicans, ridiculed, russian collusion, small business, suffering, sympathy whores, trump, unemployment, virginia, virus, walmart, wisconsin, woke health organization, wuhan
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the price that has been paid to fight the hysteria of COVID19. Was it all Worth it?