We found 5 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “msnbc”.
Episode 181: Untamed
April 25th, 2022 | 1 hr 29 mins
1776, chris wallace, cnn+, disney, elon musk, florida, fox, insurrection, marjorie taylor greene, mask mandates, msnbc, mtg, netflix, obama, ron desantis, spotify, trump, twitter, untamed
CNN+ crashed and burned, Netflix loses millions, Disney gets owned by Florida, Spotify removes Obama's podcast, masks were ruled unlawful on public transportation, and Elon musk secures funding for twitter.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 164: Hocus Pocus Out of Focus
November 20th, 2021 | 1 hr 21 mins
america, beating, biblical, biden, cnn, colonoscopy, communist, courthouse, defamation, defense, district attorney, evidence, hollow point, isaiah, jury, justice, kenosha, kyle rittenhouse, lawsuit, liberty, media, msnbc, nick sandman, pedophile, prosecution, reckless endangerment, saul alinsky, send me, thanksgiving, wisconsin
Justice Prevails! Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted on all charges.
Biden goes for a colonoscopy and Kamala takes the helm for a few hours. Did you feel it?
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 127: Domestic Terrorism?
January 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 33 mins
1812, 1933, amazon, ashli babbitt, bay of pigs, biden, brave browser, breach, candace owens, capital, chrome, civil war, cnn, communism, dan crenshaw, democrat, duck duck go, election fraud, emergency broadcast system, evil, facebook, fcc, firefox, frankfurt germany, hate talk, hitler, instagram, italy, january 6th, judge, laura loomer, leonardo, lindsey graham, lock downs, loeffler, marco rubio, mike pence, millitary, mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, msnbc, nazis, parler, pravda, propaganda, purdue, reeducation camps, reichstag, republican, revolution, right wing, riots, social media, ss, trump, twitter, washington dc, wwii
On this episode of The Saulty Show:
Civil unrest continues to plague America and the left is clutching their pearls. They are beside themselves at the sight of domestic terrorism.
Apparently they forgot how they encouraged cities to burn last summer.
The crew reacts to the nonsense and the new push to censor conservatives. -
Episode 105: Joe Blow
August 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 59 mins
911 ceremonies, arab, bahrain, bill deblasio, blacks, blm, cnn, community guidelines, covid, defund the police, democratic party, hillary clinton, israel, joe biden, jussie smollett, kamala harris, mail in ballots, mayor, middle east, msnbc, natgeo, nobel peace price, nybd, oman, palestinian, pba, peace, persian gulf, plandemic, protestors, racist, rape, san francisco, seattle, shadow banning, storm, tik tok, tulsi gabbard, uae, usps, vp, willie brown
On this episode of The Saulty Show
Joe Biden has made his VP pick and Trump couldn't be happier. The crew discusses what that means for the democratic party ticket.
Trump is not letting anything stop him from bringing more peace to the world. Big news from the middle east. UAE and Israel to sign peace agreement. And rumors of other countries to follow shortly
And the latest in the BLM riots and a status on the COVID Plandemic. -
Episode 82: Social Distancing
March 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 15 mins
2nd amendment, alcohol, anthony fauci, baseball, bernie sanders, cancer, capitalism, chaos, chinese, clinical trials, cnn, communism, corona virus, covid19, cuba, democratic debate, disparity, fake news, federal reserve, free education, free enterprise, freedom, greed, gun shops, guns, hiv, hysteria, joe biden, malaria, martial law, mexico, middle class, mike dewine, msnbc, ohio, panic, quarentine, racism, republican, smoking, social distancing, socialism, southern border, suicide, the poor, the rich, toilet paper, trump, univision, utah, virtue, wuhan
On this episode of The Saulty Show Saul and Tim continue the discussion on the Wuhan virus hysteria