We found 6 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “hysteria”.
Episode 112: The Final Stretch
September 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 41 mins
acb, adoption, amy coney barret, barbarians, biden, black america, brett kavanaugh, clarence thomas, clinton, conservative majority, coup detat, democrats republicans, djt, down syndrome, fbi, feminist, hunter biden, hysteria, jerry nadler, john durham, kermit meme, lies, plandemic, pooped his pants, pro life, racist, religition, russians, silent majority, social media, special needs, texts, the left, tik tok, trojan horse, trump fear mongering, trump taxes, us supreme court, vicious, violence
We are 36 days away from election night. Its the final stretch so hold on folks, we're in for a bumpy ride.
From Coup attempts to plandemics, from made up race wars to the great awakening - We'll cover all that and more on this episode of The Saulty show. -
Episode 85: Hysteria Peddlers
March 27th, 2020 | 1 hr 24 mins
2 trillion, airport, america, charlatans, charlotte, chloroquine, churches, cnn, coronavirus, coughs, covid19, dan crenshaw, death rate, democrats, doug ducey, dystopian, easter sunday, fake crisis, fake reporters, haaretz, history, hysteria, illegals, israeli scientist, malaria, nashville, nevada, npr, optimistic, peddlers, pittsburgh, police state, quarantine, ralph northam, restrictions, ridiculous media, sleepy joe, trump, tyrants, water into wine, woke
On this episode of The Saulty Show, the crew talks about road rage, empty airports and a dystopian future that awaits us if the quarantine doesn't end soon.
Episode 82: Social Distancing
March 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 15 mins
2nd amendment, alcohol, anthony fauci, baseball, bernie sanders, cancer, capitalism, chaos, chinese, clinical trials, cnn, communism, corona virus, covid19, cuba, democratic debate, disparity, fake news, federal reserve, free education, free enterprise, freedom, greed, gun shops, guns, hiv, hysteria, joe biden, malaria, martial law, mexico, middle class, mike dewine, msnbc, ohio, panic, quarentine, racism, republican, smoking, social distancing, socialism, southern border, suicide, the poor, the rich, toilet paper, trump, univision, utah, virtue, wuhan
On this episode of The Saulty Show Saul and Tim continue the discussion on the Wuhan virus hysteria
Episode 81: Much Ado About Nothing
March 15th, 2020 | 1 hr 15 mins
bernie sanders, bill gates, china, chinese, cnn, coronavirus, corruption, covid19, don lemon, donald trump, elon musk, eu, fake news, germany, hulu, hypochondriacs, hysteria, jared kushner, joe biden, netflix, nurses, rita wilson, stocks, teachers, toilet paper, tom hanks, wuhan
The crew continues to cover the mass hysteria caused by the Chinese Wuhan Virus
Episode 80: Gaffe Biden
March 12th, 2020 | 53 mins 48 secs
bernie sanders, coronavirus, covid19, economy, gaffe, hysteria, joe biden, michigan, panic, stock market, tiktok, toilet paper, trump, tulsi gabbard, wuhan
Biden tells Michigan voter he's full of shit and the latest on the Wuhan virus Hysteria,
Episode 53: Climate Hysteria
September 26th, 2019 | 58 mins 16 secs
boat accident, canada, cigarettes, climate change, cocaine, collusion, e-cigarettes, estranged, greta thunberg, hysteria, impeachment, james south, kevin o'leary, mayo, reddit, shark tank, smoking, sopranos, submersible, trump, twitter, vapes
The crew discusses a boat crash, a shooting, cigarettes, cocaine, mayo, WWII veterans, brainwashed children, Trump Impeachment, and Antifa vs ICE