We found 4 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “hypocrisy”.
Episode 172: The Honkening
February 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 59 mins
andrew cuomo, anti-semetic, bbc, blm, brazil, brian stelter, canadian, capitalism, civil disobedience, cnn, conservatism, covid mandates, cuba, democrats, dumpster fire, facetime, freedom convoy, gadsden flag, gettr, gofundme, gun control, hitler, holocaust, hypocrisy, jeff zucker, jeffrey toobin, justin trudeau, leftist, legacy media, mainstream emdia, marxism, millions of deaths, misinformation, morality, nazis, ottawa, pandering, race, religious principles, revolution, rumble, telegram, televised, tik tok, truckers, twitter, tyrants, whatsapp, whoopi goldber, youtube
Have you heard of the Canadian Trucker convoy? It has caught the world's attention and we're here for it. The "fringe minority" is making their voices heard.
Also, the Legacy media continues its downward spiral this week. From Whoopi to Jeff Zucker. We'll fill you in on how the left is starting to eat their own.
Get woke and go broke folks. It's no joke.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 145: True Conspiracy
May 25th, 2021 | 54 mins 44 secs
1984, 2019, babylon bee, biden, canada, censored, china, connecticut, conspiracy, covid-19, democrat, dull, experts, facebook, fact-checkers, fauci, gender dysphoria, george orwell, governor whitmore, hypocrisy, insurrection, jewish, msm, nazi, new london, nih, obama, palestine, project veritas, race riots, rand paul, regretful biden voters, republica, scientific consensus, shaking hands, social media, speech, ufo, uncharismatic, us coast guard academy, virology lab, white supremacy, wuhan virus
The conspiracy theorists were right again. As the grey clouds of the Covid hysteria clear away, the truth is revealed. Rumors of China developing the virus as a form of Biological weapon.
Biden continues his gaffe tour this week. we'll share the Baffoon-in-Chiefs latest stumbles.All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show
Episode 121: Freedom Wins
November 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 1 min
amy coney barrett, ballots, biden, churches, conservative, corruption, covid, election, electors, georgia, gorsuch, hypocrisy, john roberts, la, legislature, liberal, lockdowns, masks, pennsylvania, scotus, sidney powell, social distancing, strip clubs, supreme court, trump, wuhan
On this episode of The Saulty Show
The crew discusses new revelations of corruption in the US election,
and the SCOTUS striking down Cuomo's unconstitutional edict. -
Episode 45: Trump 45 and 2 Zig Zags
August 29th, 2019 | 59 mins 34 secs
3 stooges, a onetime bad congressmen, african immigrants, america first, antifa, archived tweets, asshole love, assless chaps, border wall, boston, brett kavanaugh, britain, british accent, catalina lauf, china grabbing leaders, cnm fake news, couldn't stand up straight, dave chappelle, david harris, drag show, failed in radio, fake news, g7, germany, guatemala, headline stress disorder, hot conservatives, hypocrisy, i should be able to take them, i've said racists thing but who hasn't, in the middle, intimate moment, it's more inclusive, japan, joe walsh, kremin, lgbtqs, look at this fredo, maga hats, melania trump, mexico's southern border, milo, milo yiannopoulos, mr. appalachian trail, mtv, potpourri of diversity, puppet master, racist tweets, rick rolled, russian jokes, s is for straight, safe places, safe spaces, slapping trump, sour face, steven crowder, straight pride parade, stuart varney, telemundo, the left can't meme, tim is running for congress, tommy robinson, took saul to a gay bar, trump 45, trump 45 and two zig zags, trump episode, tweet archives, twitter, we found some police, when donald trump forgets to wear clothes
The crew celebrates their 45th episode with a tribute to the 45th president.