We found 4 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “hitler”.
Episode 176: The New Cold War
March 21st, 2022 | 1 hr 36 mins
achilles, article 5, berlin, biden cold war, bishop, bucharest summit, checkmate, chess, communism, coup, covid, democracy, democrats, foreign policy experts, germany, greek mythology, hector, hitler, homer, kiev, king, lgbt, maidan protests, monroe doctrine, nato, nato expansion, orange revolution, pawn, peace, pelosi, poland, priam, putin, republicans, russia, the big guy, the iliad, ukraine, virology experts, wwiii, zelensky
Join the crew as they continue to discuss the current state of foreign affairs. The drumbeat towards a war with Russia is getting louder and louder and no one is thinking about the ramifications. We may be setting ourselves up for failure.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 172: The Honkening
February 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 59 mins
andrew cuomo, anti-semetic, bbc, blm, brazil, brian stelter, canadian, capitalism, civil disobedience, cnn, conservatism, covid mandates, cuba, democrats, dumpster fire, facetime, freedom convoy, gadsden flag, gettr, gofundme, gun control, hitler, holocaust, hypocrisy, jeff zucker, jeffrey toobin, justin trudeau, leftist, legacy media, mainstream emdia, marxism, millions of deaths, misinformation, morality, nazis, ottawa, pandering, race, religious principles, revolution, rumble, telegram, televised, tik tok, truckers, twitter, tyrants, whatsapp, whoopi goldber, youtube
Have you heard of the Canadian Trucker convoy? It has caught the world's attention and we're here for it. The "fringe minority" is making their voices heard.
Also, the Legacy media continues its downward spiral this week. From Whoopi to Jeff Zucker. We'll fill you in on how the left is starting to eat their own.
Get woke and go broke folks. It's no joke.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 127: Domestic Terrorism?
January 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 33 mins
1812, 1933, amazon, ashli babbitt, bay of pigs, biden, brave browser, breach, candace owens, capital, chrome, civil war, cnn, communism, dan crenshaw, democrat, duck duck go, election fraud, emergency broadcast system, evil, facebook, fcc, firefox, frankfurt germany, hate talk, hitler, instagram, italy, january 6th, judge, laura loomer, leonardo, lindsey graham, lock downs, loeffler, marco rubio, mike pence, millitary, mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, msnbc, nazis, parler, pravda, propaganda, purdue, reeducation camps, reichstag, republican, revolution, right wing, riots, social media, ss, trump, twitter, washington dc, wwii
On this episode of The Saulty Show:
Civil unrest continues to plague America and the left is clutching their pearls. They are beside themselves at the sight of domestic terrorism.
Apparently they forgot how they encouraged cities to burn last summer.
The crew reacts to the nonsense and the new push to censor conservatives. -
Episode 86: A Time For Civil Disobedience
March 31st, 2020 | 1 hr 34 mins
2 trillion dollars, anti government overreach, anti health, bamboozle, blind trust, churches, civil disobedience, congregate, conservatives, crisis, defiant, dont be an idiot, dont stop your life, florida, flu, health uber alles, hillary, hitler, immune deficiency, lockdown, london, macro level vs micro level, new york, ohio, rescue plan, shelter in place, social distancing, socialism, trump, vigilant
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew dives into the repercussions of government overreach. Saul calls on citizens to engage in civil disobedience to combat the hysteria in order to preserve our liberties.