We found 3 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “evil”.
Episode 158: F*ck Joe Biden
September 13th, 2021 | 1 hr 32 mins
biden, china, communism, congress, covid, evil, exempt, far-right, fjb, flight 93, george bush, islamic terrorist, larry elder, mandates, never forget, new world order, new york, north korea, nyc, obama, rose mcgowan, russia, september 11, shanksville, superpower, terrorism, trump won, tyranny, we forgot
On this episode of The Saulty Show, the crew is back to politics! Join us as we discuss the latest on the tyrannical mandates, the Afghanistan debacle, and Biden's popularity across the nation. 80 Million votes?
Episode 127: Domestic Terrorism?
January 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 33 mins
1812, 1933, amazon, ashli babbitt, bay of pigs, biden, brave browser, breach, candace owens, capital, chrome, civil war, cnn, communism, dan crenshaw, democrat, duck duck go, election fraud, emergency broadcast system, evil, facebook, fcc, firefox, frankfurt germany, hate talk, hitler, instagram, italy, january 6th, judge, laura loomer, leonardo, lindsey graham, lock downs, loeffler, marco rubio, mike pence, millitary, mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, msnbc, nazis, parler, pravda, propaganda, purdue, reeducation camps, reichstag, republican, revolution, right wing, riots, social media, ss, trump, twitter, washington dc, wwii
On this episode of The Saulty Show:
Civil unrest continues to plague America and the left is clutching their pearls. They are beside themselves at the sight of domestic terrorism.
Apparently they forgot how they encouraged cities to burn last summer.
The crew reacts to the nonsense and the new push to censor conservatives. -
Episode 87: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
April 8th, 2020 | 1 hr 35 mins
3rd world, america, april fools, archetypical hero, australia, biden, big government, bill of rights, bill withers, callousness, caregivers, consequences, conservatives, constitution, coronavirus, covid19, cuba, cuomo, democrats, evil, farm girl, florida, fredo, google, gorruption, h1n1, health, impeached, jobs, joe rogan, liberals, masks, mike lindell, mypillow, nancy pelosi, new jersey, pastor, patrick henry, republicans, ridiculed, russian collusion, small business, suffering, sympathy whores, trump, unemployment, virginia, virus, walmart, wisconsin, woke health organization, wuhan
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the price that has been paid to fight the hysteria of COVID19. Was it all Worth it?