We found 6 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “deep state”.
Episode 140: The Scapegoat
April 22nd, 2021 | 1 hr 28 mins
biden, big tech, blm, canada, china, cnn, deep state, defense, democrats, desantis, dr fauci, fbi, george floyd, guilty, insurrection, james o'keefe, jim jordan, judge, jury, lebron james, liz cheney, manslaughter, maxine waters, minnesota, mistrial, murder, passports, police, project veritas, putin, republicans, rino, russia, sequester, taiwan, trump, twitter, ukraine, us border, war monger
Abolishing the electoral college, packing the courts, disarming America, and more censorship; Just another week of the tyrannical left destroying America.
The Chauvin trial was this week but the mob is asking for another sacrificial scapegoat. The media complied and have now moved to defend a knife-wielding 16-year-old.
Is covid finally over? Let's check with Dr. Fauci. He seems to be upset that the Chauvin trial took him out of the limelight for a week.
All that and more. on this Episode of The Saulty Show
Episode 128: Run Hide Fight
January 18th, 2021 | 1 hr 58 mins
amlo, antifa, aoc, biden, big tech, blm, capital siege, christopher stanton georgia, clinton, cnn, conservative, daily wire, dan crenshaw, dc, deblasio, deep state, democrats, facebook, fbi, georgia, ghostbusters, government, hollywood, idaho, impeachment, inauguration, jack dorsey, jade sacker, january 6th, john sullivan, lemmings, meep meep, mexico, nazis, nick sandman, parler, poland, rudy giuliani, run hide fight, sinister, social media censorship, suicide, tds, terrorism, tik tok, trump, tucker carlson, twitter, uganda, wiley coyote, wuhan
The US House of Representatives impeached Trump…. And Trump's approval rating went up. Democrats are like Wiley Coyote never able to catch the roadrunner. Meep Meep!
More on the Capital siege from Jan 6th. New Evidence reveals there was a coordinated effort from leftists groups that instigated the riots. This was planned weeks in advance.
Social Media Censorship is not done. A bombshell video from a whistleblower reveals Jack Dorsey's sinister plans to remove conservatives from their platform.
Daily Wire is getting into the entertainment business. They release an awesome movie titled "Run Hide Fight". We give you our reviews.
Episode 120: Thanksgiving Is Canceled
November 22nd, 2020 | 1 hr 49 mins
300, affidavits, america, amy klobuchar, apocalypse, barabbas, biden, california, canvassers, christmas, christmas tree, civil disobedience, covid, deep state, dominion, donald trump, doxing, elizabeth warren, evidence, ezra cohen, fake media, fraudulent, gavin newsom, georgia, gop, hospitals, impeachment, judas, kamala harris, kavanaugh, kayleigh mcenany, la, liberals, locked up, lou dobs, mathematicians, michigan, mitt romney, nevada, newsmax, nyc, obama, orange county, pennsylvania, rudi giuliani, rush limbaugh, sanhedrin, sheriffs, sidney powell, smartmatic, special ops, thanksgiving, the kraken, venezuela, voter registration, votes, white house, wisconsin, wuhan
It's Thanksgiving week and the left wants you to stay home, locked up in your house scared for your life.
We call for civil disobedience. Go big, invite everyone, stop living in fear and stop listening to the media. There are more important things in life than to fear a virus with a 99.9% survival rate.Also, The Kraken has been released! We'll talk about all the election developments that point to a good sign for Donald Trump
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show
Episode 102: Social Media Censorship
July 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 42 mins
antifa, aurora colorado, austin, blm, christopher columbus, covid 19, deep state, dr fauci, facebook, frontline doctors, hollywood, hydroxychloroquine, instagram, lori lightfoot, paul galant, pedophilia, police, portland, purge, qanon, riots, robert davi, social media censorship, ted wheeler, teletubies, the dark knight, trump, twitter, violent protesters, wuhan virus, youtube
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the social media giants ongoing efforts to quell dissent. The conversation includes the BLM/Antifa riots and the Wuhan virus lies that purvey the news networks.
Episode 90: The Modern Sacred Cows: Health and Science
May 4th, 2020 | 1 hr 4 mins
canary in the coal mine, chicago, choreographed dance, data models, de blasio, deep state, doj, epidemiologists, face mask, fbi, fortune tellers, frauds, free society, freeloaders, gavin newsome, genocide, hand readers, hand sanitizer, hoax, honest living, hypochondriacs, jobless claims, lazy, modern times, nurses, nyc, obama, oregon, pandemic, parasitic citizens, pro deathers, project veritas, psychics, science deniers, scorpion, tik tok, totalitarian state, trump, tyrannical, weeds, whitmer, william bar
On this episode of The Saulty Show the crew discusses the ongoing hysteria over Covid19 and the ramifications of a police state.
Episode 55: Coup D'état
October 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 53 secs
747, adam schiff, airbus, amazon, apple watch, australia, background check, biden, bikini, boeing, budget busters, coffee, coup, deep state, direct tv, dutch bros, grocery shopping, hulu, internet, mutilated, netflix, new york times, nickleback, objectified, online shopping, oregon trail, porn, prime, private, prosecutor, quid pro joe, quid pro quo, rudy giuliani, shaming, spiders, starbucks, transcript, ukrainian collusion, viagra, victimhood, vintage war planes, whistle-blower, wwii, youtube red
The crew discusses bikini picks, bulls, a plane crash, insulin, budgets, spiders and collusion.