We found 3 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “crt”.
Episode 162: Red Wave
November 6th, 2021 | 1 hr 39 mins
brandon, chris hurst, cnn, colin kaepernick, colorado, conservative, crt, democrats, desantis, fauci, glenn youngkin, iowa, joe rogan, john lujan, liberal, loudin county, massachusetts, microsoft, new hampshire, new jersey, nfl, nyc, pa supreme court, project veritas, red tsunami, sanjay gupta, seattle, suburban soccer moms, terry mcauliffe, texas, winsome sears, woman
The crew is back! and a lot has happened since we've been out.
Join us as we discuss the results of this week's elections across the country. The Democrats got clobbered across the board as they were hit by a red tsunami of voters.
Also, Microsoft's latest town hall has left many scratching their head in confusion at their latest attempt to appease woke culture.
In the arena of the Oppression Olympics, victimhood is currency, and gender pronouns are a mass-produced commodity.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 153: We're Working Here!
July 27th, 2021 | 1 hr 27 mins
are you not entertained, arizona, brits, communist, critical race theory, crt, democrats, dr fauci, england, fly, free palestine, gop, hasbro, january 6th, joe biden, kelly townsend, lockdowns, nationalism, obama, ox, pandemic, patriotism, republicans, ronna romney mcdaniels, socialist, stop asian hate, suicide, summer olympics, trump, unvaccinated
Hasbro thinks your 2-year-old is racist. The leftist, Marxist agenda has sunken its claws deep into corporate America as woke culture claims another one.
This weekend was Opening Day for the Woke summer Olympics and no one was watching. For the first time in 50 years, the USA won no medals on opening day.
There is a great purge taking place within the republican party and it's beautiful to watch. It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff. -
Episode 150: Critical Racist Theory
June 26th, 2021 | 1 hr 21 mins
2nd ammendment, ak-47, army general, asmr, belize, biden, buffon, busta rhymes, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, child trafficking, communism, consequential, critical race theory, crt, drug smuggling, f-15, gun violence, insurrection, john mcafee, jordan peterson, latinos, latinx, leninism, m1 abrams, mark milley, marxism, miami building, military, nuclear weapons, oppression, q, que-mala, revolutionary war, spyware, suicide, tax evasion, tyrannical, whispering, white history, white rage
Biden gets into ASMR and Que-mierda (Kamala) goes to the border. The freakshow continues.
Critical Race Theory has infiltrated the US military as the left continues its push towards communism.
Also, what do cryptocurrency, antivirus software, sex orgies, and a murder in Belize have in Common? We'll tell you all that and more, on this episode of The Saulty Show