We found 4 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “communist”.
Episode 164: Hocus Pocus Out of Focus
November 20th, 2021 | 1 hr 21 mins
america, beating, biblical, biden, cnn, colonoscopy, communist, courthouse, defamation, defense, district attorney, evidence, hollow point, isaiah, jury, justice, kenosha, kyle rittenhouse, lawsuit, liberty, media, msnbc, nick sandman, pedophile, prosecution, reckless endangerment, saul alinsky, send me, thanksgiving, wisconsin
Justice Prevails! Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted on all charges.
Biden goes for a colonoscopy and Kamala takes the helm for a few hours. Did you feel it?
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 161: Alea Iacta Est
October 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 35 mins
aoc, australia, biden, bronx, bureaucracies, caesar, california, chernobyl, coal, communist, condom, covid, democrats, florida, gavin newsom, gentlemen, germans, health, inseminator, lockdown, maximus, miners, public health, rape, roman, scientist, sovereignty, stealthing, trump, vaccination, war, woke
Everything Woke goes to shit. California passes more looney laws. Stealthing anyone?
Gretta Thunberg is back and she's crazier than ever.
Social Media is now targeting The Saulty Show. We're getting censored, shadow banned, and threatened with removal if we don't stop spreading the truth.
The Die has been cast and like Julius Ceasar crossing the Rubicon in defiance of the Roman senate, we are beyond the point of no return. This is war. -
Episode 153: We're Working Here!
July 27th, 2021 | 1 hr 27 mins
are you not entertained, arizona, brits, communist, critical race theory, crt, democrats, dr fauci, england, fly, free palestine, gop, hasbro, january 6th, joe biden, kelly townsend, lockdowns, nationalism, obama, ox, pandemic, patriotism, republicans, ronna romney mcdaniels, socialist, stop asian hate, suicide, summer olympics, trump, unvaccinated
Hasbro thinks your 2-year-old is racist. The leftist, Marxist agenda has sunken its claws deep into corporate America as woke culture claims another one.
This weekend was Opening Day for the Woke summer Olympics and no one was watching. For the first time in 50 years, the USA won no medals on opening day.
There is a great purge taking place within the republican party and it's beautiful to watch. It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff. -
Episode 75: Democratic Socialism
February 26th, 2020 | 1 hr 46 mins
#ripbloomberg, 401k, 4d chess, aoc, bernie sanders, bill gates foundation, bird flu, brawndo corporation, bread lines, byu, capitalism, climate change, cobra kai, communist, corona virus, democratic socialist, economy, elections, envy, facebook, first step act, green new deal, grinder, i will fight for you, iran, james woods, jfk, kaitlin bennett, karate kid, laziness, liberty hangout, mandatory vasectomy, mike bloomberg, never trumpers, obama, ohio university, oppression, pole vaulting accident, protests, provider vs publisher, pursuit of happiness, radio signals, rod blagojevich, sars, scrooge mcduck, south korea, student loans, summer home, tick tock video, trump, trump signs, trumpocrat, tulsi gabbard, twitter, twitter blocking, us taliban, usmca, white guilt, wuhan
The crew discusses the Corona virus, Iran, Kaitlin Bennett, Bernie Sanders supporters, Trump Rallies, Social Media and the First Step Act.