We found 5 episodes of The Saulty Show with the tag “brazil”.
Episode 172: The Honkening
February 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 59 mins
andrew cuomo, anti-semetic, bbc, blm, brazil, brian stelter, canadian, capitalism, civil disobedience, cnn, conservatism, covid mandates, cuba, democrats, dumpster fire, facetime, freedom convoy, gadsden flag, gettr, gofundme, gun control, hitler, holocaust, hypocrisy, jeff zucker, jeffrey toobin, justin trudeau, leftist, legacy media, mainstream emdia, marxism, millions of deaths, misinformation, morality, nazis, ottawa, pandering, race, religious principles, revolution, rumble, telegram, televised, tik tok, truckers, twitter, tyrants, whatsapp, whoopi goldber, youtube
Have you heard of the Canadian Trucker convoy? It has caught the world's attention and we're here for it. The "fringe minority" is making their voices heard.
Also, the Legacy media continues its downward spiral this week. From Whoopi to Jeff Zucker. We'll fill you in on how the left is starting to eat their own.
Get woke and go broke folks. It's no joke.
All that and more on this episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 136: Biden's Border Crisis
March 23rd, 2021 | 1 hr 33 mins
alaska, america, amnesty, biden, border crisis, brazil, candace owens, cardi b, china, communism, covid, diplomats, discriminate, douglas murray, el salvador, face, fauci, fragility, guatemala, honduras, jen psaki, kids in cages, kim jong-un, liberal, mexico, north korea, putin, rand paul, reagan, russia, science, variance, wap, xi
China, North Korea, and Russia mock America. Biden stumbles his way to a response. Literally.
Crisis at the Border. Newly released undercover photos reveal conditions have gone back to Obama-era standards. Basically kids in cages.
Shootout at the covid corral. Fauci and Rand Paul have a good old-fashioned Mexican standoff.
Also, Liberal fragility is running rampant after Trump announced he plans to start his own Social Media platform. Coming in 3 months!
All that and more, on this Episode of The Saulty Show -
Episode 35: Drain The Bathwater
July 25th, 2019 | 59 mins 21 secs
a chance to see history, alphabet, amazon, america leads, anti-trust, at&t, band wagon, barnes and then noble, big government, bomb threat, braintree, brazil, britain's prime minister, but it's not google, cages, deadpool, department of justice, don't go after his policies, don't teach you that in school, duckduckgo, elephant, escape artist, flight attendant, full of anger, go back to your country, go bing something, go to the midwest, google, google that shit, greece, he was aces, health networks, hillbilly stills, hot as soccer balls, i bet it feels huge in this hand, i buy a lot of weird ass shit, illegal immigration, italy, jumped on the airplane, keep them in the dark, kill politically correct, leeroy jenkins, lufthansa, ma bell, maga people, maga themed wedding, magatron, mama.com, massachusetts police, monopoly, multiple wedding invites, muslim brotherhood, no go zones, nokia, not in florida, not worthy of your platform, off on a tangent, on line bill of rights, prager u is…, prager university, preacher, project veritas, pyramid schemes, rapping about trump, refugees, revolution, rob the movie theater, sell her bath water, she has pink hair, small business owners, spiderman, sunglasses, the bell system, too hot, turmoil in the middle east, twitch, usa usa usa, vimeo, what are they doing with your data, whistle blower, white guilt prayer, win by a land slide, you heard it here first
The crew talks about heat waves, bomb threats, climbing buildings, crashing weddings and monopolies.
Episode 27: Muh Reparations
June 23rd, 2019 | 1 hr 4 mins
8 hour drive, a nude horse is a rude horse, ammunition, arctic circle, armpit rashes, athens, attack squirrel, barney, bird feeders, body armor, brazil, buck henry, bull dog, canada, casino, civil war, clothing animals, cold stone creamery, cross fit, crown, cults, david letterman, detox, dmv, donald duck, driver license, drug dealers, ellis island, england, family guy, feeding tiger, fish, flag day, florida, for decency's sake, freddy krueger, french moto, funny money, game of thrones, hugging the flag, human trafficing, indecency today means morality tomorrow, indian reservation, interest rates, jumbotrons, kanye west, larry elder, lost 10 million followers, medical board, meth squirrel, mickey paulk, mrs. kennedy won't you please clothe your horses for decency, narcolepsy, omerta, peter griffin, pug, queen of the north, queens, racheal broke shit, raised $30 million in 24 hours, reparations, ronnie reynolds, sanctuary, saturday night live, scavenger hunt, scooby doo, service animal, sina, spain, statue of liberty, sweden, take the bus, talking stick, the best city in the world, throne, trump supporter, walmart, want to belong, winnie the pooh
The crew talks about an attack squirrel, an arctic scavenger hunt, clothing animals, bullying and paying for the past.
Episode 20: The Archetypical Hero We Need
May 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
air pods, alex jones, allegedly, archetypal heroes, be a hero in your own story, bear, bitten by snake, brazil, bruce wayne, camel toe, change from within, communicate, dare devil, dark knight, darth vader, debt to mob, drug shootout, emotional weekend, end game, express yourself, facebook, fade to black, fake news, flaming hot cheetos, force to look, freddy krueger, freedom of speech, freezing in danger, game of thrones, gas cylinder, groups, guns, harvey dent situation, heard mentality, hero within, heroes journey, heroes of our own story, hope, i can't be a fire fighter, i need a lawyer, infinity wars, joker, jon snow, jordon peterson, killing joke, league of shadows, listens to shit, lithium batteries, lord of the rings, louis farrakhan, martial arts, marvel, milo yiannopoulos, monster within you, moose knuckle, ninja star, nun chuck, parents taken, parrot, seven realms, shot, shot in face, sleep ate, spoiler alert, star wars, struggle for control, struggle is a good thing, supreme ordeal, switch blades, token left, tom brady, tony stark, twitter, user acceptance agreement, warren buffet, wendy williams, white walkers, whitelisting, winking at a girl in the dark, wrestling, younger sister, zoo security guard
The crew talks about nunchucks, a bad ass parrot, AirPods, Facebook Censoring and
Archetypical Heroes.